chapter 14 miami at night

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It was getting close to drew and pony's holiday coming to an end. Drew wanted pony to take in as much as he could frm california. On their last night in miami drew took pony for a walk along the beach. He wanted to show pony how the sunset looked as it was rflected on the water.

They found a nice spot down by the wayers edge. Drew sat down and had pony sit between his legs. Drew put his arms around pony's waist. Pony leaned back into drews chest and tilted his neck as drew placed light kisses on him.

Pony was in awe at what he was seeing. He had seen many sunsets before, butnotbing compared to this. Not only was the sunset beautiful, but this moment between the two couldn't be any more perfect. "You know, if it weren't for you, i don't think i'd ever be happy living away from here" drew spoke lightly as he kissed pony some more.

"Well i am so glad you did move, you have made me so happy babe. I love you" pony replied. "I love you too, more than i ever loved anyone"

Little did the couple know, they had bern followed.

Once the sun had set, the couple headed back to their condo. Drew went into the boys shared room and noticed ryans things were gone. There was a note on the bed.

'Drew, i decided to take the train home. I just want you to know i'm real sorry about being an ass, i guess i just hoped there might have still been something there between us. But now that i've seen how you are with your new found love and how you'd do anything for him, i guess maybe its time i moved on too. I hope someday i find someone who makes me just as happy as that kid makes you. Please don't hate me, i really am sorry.'

                                           'Hopefully still your buddy ryan xx'

Just as drew had finished reading ryans note, he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist. He turned around and was face to face with ponyboy. He smiled as pony reached up to kiss his lips. Nana rose and alex finshed up a game of go fish and headed off to bed. Pony and drew did the same. It had been a long day.


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