Celebrations and Altercations

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"Y/N! That was an epic win there, the way you dropped all three people without any trouble was just amazing!" Raven and your team cheered.

"It was nothing, really. How about some victory drinks?" You asked, gaining cheers from all around.

You then took everyone to a bar on campus, as the drinks there were not very high alcohol content, you figured it would be fine to get one or two.
You ordered seven beers, one for each person with you, being the whole of team STRQ, and the three in your team.

After a few drinks, you made sure to not get tipsy, as you had to choose who to fight in the next round. So you took the straws from your drinks, cut them at an angle, and shuffled them around behind your back.
The two shortest straws will fight, while the longest straw will watch.
Glynda and Clyde drew their straws, and the shortest straws were Glynda and Clyde. So you were sitting out this round, which was fair, as it was a random gamble.

"Good luck out there, you two." You said happily.

"Can team STRQ please report to the coliseum, for they are fighting next." The announcements went off.

"Gotta go." Summer said as she waved goodbye.

"Bye ladies and gentlemen. I will see you there!" You said, before calling your team together.

"Shall we go watch?" You asked.

Timeskip to the coliseum.

"Up next is team STRQ From Beacon vs team MRKD from Haven!" Port said with enthusiasm.

"Remember the plan guys?" Raven asked the team.

"Yeah." Summer, Tai and Qrow said together.

"FIGHT!" Port shouted into the microphone.

Tai immediately ran forward, behind the enemy, tripping him while Raven made a portal that caused the opposition to fall through, she then slashed him, and kicked him back through while making a portal above her for the guy to fall through again. She then plunged her sword down on to Marcus Phoenix, the leader of team MRKD. His aura immediately ended up in the red and he was out.

"And Marcus Phoenix is out by Aura level!"

"That was simple." She said as she ducked under a kick from Derek, then swiped his legs out from under him. But he had other plans, as he fell he countered and swiped Raven, following up with a kick to the jaw. As she rose into the air, she flipped to correct her body, and slashed vertically, striking Derek into the ground, as he bounced up from the force, she kicked him across the floor. His aura is in the yellow now.

Qrow was currently fighting a guy who had a katana, he was fast, and disarmed Qrow. He looked down at his hand with a frown, and punched Ryan, following with a left hook, then a right hook. Then he ducked under a misplaced swing and kicked him across the floor too. He then started getting a black cloud around his torso.
Ryan bolted towards Qrow, but as he got close he tripped and Qrow stomped the last bit of his Aura away.

"Ryan is out for the count! We are down to four-two!"

Kayla was the next on the hit list, as Raven, Summer and Qrow all surrounded her, she used her semblance to let off a pulse of electricity which electrocuted everyone in range, being Qrow, Summer and Raven. Qrows aura depleted at one time, by his luck, while Raven and Summer were barely affected and their aura was still in the green, but it dropped a bit.

"And Qrow Branwen is eliminated by Aura level!" Oobleck said with tension rising in his voice.

Summer then used her semblance and dashed past Kayla while slashing her several times at all angles, not giving her time to keep up. Then Kayla kicked Summer in the guts, and she got mad.
Her eyes started glowing white and she started levitating.

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