The lost CC.

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Once we ate we walked to school with Ashleys girlfriend. To be honest I don't think Ashley knows her name, it's kind of funny just watching him. I think he had a one night stand, what even is a one night stand, I don't know  what that is. Maybe I'll ask Ashley!

"Ashley, what's a one night stand?" I asked.

"Go home and ask Mama Jinxx!" He said smirking. I happily nodded and ran home, I didn't know the way. I'll find it.

End of school

Jinxx's P.O.V

I've noticed all my kids have come except CC, I even got a call from the school saying CC wasn't in any class!

I'll just put a bowl of candy outside the door.

The next day

I noticed, the bowl was gone. Poor CC he can't survive an hour without candy he's probably dead by now. A tear sliped down my face thinking of my hyperactive son dead.

I soon heard a sneeze. Intruder! I grabbed a baseball bat and walked over slowly, it was CC! Without thinking I wacked him round the head!

I picked him up and took him inside, his forehead was hot. he's sick! GOD DAM IT!!!

"Sorry CC. Where were you?" I asked.

"Going home to ask a question." I replied.


"What's a one night stand?" He asked innocently.

My mind froze I don't want to tell him. "It's a lamp that people rent for one night." I said. "Anyway where did you hear that phrase?"



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