colors 🔸part 1🔸

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If you expected the paladins of Voltron to be happy here in space, you're right.

They all seemed happy.

Happiness is such a fragile thing.

You say one word, do one thing. It can go away in an instant.

The paladins don't remember ever not being happy. They look in their thoughts and it's all happiness. Just seven people out to save the universe.

They can't remember the pain of everything being ripped away from them. They can't remember the hurtful comments made. They can't remember anything that wasn't happy to them.

Sometimes, you need other emotions to keep you in check.
Too much of one thing, you go insane.

The first one to snap was Pidge. They'd just been laughing about something over dinner, god knows what. They had just been going to their room, looking for something to show the paladins.

Now, when you walk for a while, you think. And when you think, you remember. You feel.

Pidge had snapped. Something clicked in their brain, as they closed their eyes and remembered.

'matt! Where's Matt!' they screamed. They could feel themselves moving around, screaming, someone holding them back. 'I want my brother back! I need to get him back!" They screamed louder. They calmed down slowly, still sobbing as a soothing voice traveled through the air. Someone was singing. They felt calm, but not collected. "go to sleep, pidge. You need it." The voice said. They didn't have the energy to figure out who it was. They drifted off to sleep, mind empty.

Pidge remembered that night. A night they weren't happy. They opened their eyes, expecting to see the white walls of the hallway. They didn't exactly see that. There was pink shining through every corner and crease of the walls, illuminating the entire castle with pink.

"I take my pills and I'm happy all the time I'm happy all the time, I'm happy all the time..."

That was all Pidge heard before a flash of pink danced over their eyes, and they were knocked unconscious.


a/n wOw I acTuaLLy wRoTe a cHapTeR-

anyways, this is confusing now, lemme clear it up for you.

The castle was hit with a spell, along with the paladins. They don't know how, can't remember when. They see  everything like it's normal, but their emotions are messed up.

If something happens to one of the paladins, causing them to remember, a flash of that color goes throughout the castle, and the paladins have a new emotion.

But the one who remembered still remembers. They cant say anything about it, write anything about it, speak about it, sing about it, or act it out.

But they remember slowly, and soon everyone is trying to figure out how to get rid of this spell.

Before the last color comes.

Anywho, the song was called Happy Pills by the Weather's, check it out.

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