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-Yay More characters here! I hope... Oof I'm not good at these... Things xD


Hank looks back behind him and turns back with an angry expression as if he just noticed something or someone's important is missing. "And you better find my fùcking partner."

"Shit so more people came through." Tim mumbles under his breath.

"Damn right they did! And its all your fault, having a fùcking black hole suck us up!" Hank slams his hand down onto the desk in an attempt to gain Bruce's attention before he is pulled back by a hand on his shoulder.

"Sir please. We all need to keep a calm head in this or-" "Or what? We all die? Just a cliche." His anger is building around the thought of Connor being alone in this shit hole of a world, where people in colorful costumes rule. "The main problem here is that I'm pretty positive this 'world' doesn't have the tools or parts to repair an RK800!" 

Tim frowns and slightly softens the grip on Anderson's shoulder before questioning. "RK800? Your partner-" "Isn't Human, correct he would say. He's an android and we better find him before others do."

"You don't trust your partner to defend himself?" Bruce finally speaks up with an almost threatening tone.

This question hit Hank hard. Did he trust Connor? Of course he did. "I do. But not in your world. He-"

Suddenly he is interrupted by the crackling of the coms. "Hey B? We... Kinda have a situation here." Jason's voice comes ringing out loud enough for the others to overhear.

"What kind of situation Hood? I'm busy right now with a... Different kind of case. Can it wait?"

There is more static before a reply is heard. "Nope definitely not. This dude is bleeding heavily, not my fault if I may add, but its not red. Its blue. And he wants our help to find a... Han? Hank?"

At the mention of his name, Hank looks up at Batman. "Well looks like you did find him." Walking past him towards the cave mouth, he gave Bruce's shoulder a claps. "Good job. Imma go and get him no-" Bruce grabs his wrist and pulls the man back to the computer as his eyes don't leave the screen. The Lieutenant curses freely around at being stopped, he just needs to get his partner.

 Is that to much to ask for???


"Connor, I think. He was going to say more but-" "Of course Jaybird here was quick with his trigger finger." Another voice cracked through and Bruce only sighed.

"Ok... Bring him back. And I want a full report then!"


The night was unusual crisp in Gotham or it was just not what Dick is used to anymore. What he definitely wasn't used to anymore is holes opening up and people coming out.

"I'm too dead for this crap." The red hooded man next to him sighed and rolled his eyes before he clapped down the helmet. "Nothing normal happens anymore."

Dick could only agree in silence before leaving his spot on the roof, landing gracefully a few feet away from the figure that had emerged from the portal in the alley. It's head snapped up at the sound of boots kicking pebbles and tilted, watching, studying. 

"Who are you and what do you want?" Dick took one escrima stick from his belt and pointed it at the person chest, Jason doing the same with his gun. The figure stepped out of the shadows and spoke. "My name is Connor. I'm-" 

A gunshot. Damnit Jay. The man flinched back a bit at the warning. "Don't. I mean no harm." Connor held up his hands in surrender, hoping it would relax the two so that they listen.

"Then what?" Jason approached, his gun never lowered, Dick knew he was glaring through the white of the helmet. "It wasn't my intention to come through this opening. We were kinda just... sucked in." Connor explained.

"Mhm and we're just suppost to believe that? Seriously dude. More creativity please." He lowered the gun though. That's a good thing for now. "You said a opening?"

"Yes. Like a black hole. It swallowed many investigators and officer's into your world. I believe it was triggered from this side."

The two heroes looked at each other, Dick merely shrugged. "We didn't do it. At least nothing we'd know-" Across the street, the alarms started to blare in a bank, flashing bright red. "Never mind. We'll continue this later." Dick turned around and ran out the alley, into the street, both Connor and Jason following him. A quick glance showed him it was only some Joker gang members, but even those were dangerous. 

"Connor stand back!" Dick reached out to stop him from running ahead into the bank. "That's an order!" Connor looked at the blue and black man and then back to the bank. "I don't take orders anymore. But my scan provides me that there are still three civilians inside!"

Dick gave Jason a small commando with his hands, who didn't hesitate to jump into the bank. Not long after, more gunshots could be heard, yelling and then Hood hustling the three bankers out. Bullets followed and they had to take cover behind a turned over car.

"Shit." But before Dick could move to help, Connor sprinted ahead, jumping over the car towards the gunmen. Who panicked and shot. But... Connor didn't slow down all and knocked down the first one he reached. One more before Dick's head came back to the present and joined in. It all happened too fast for the bank robbers and they surrendered.

They waited for the police to arrived, Jason decide to turn to Connor. And he's meet with a big shocker. "Bro... Are you ok?" Connor staggered a bit before falling into Jason's arms. "I seem to be injured quiet badly." He was blinking rapidly also as if he was blinking away things in his line of vision.

"Jason... Better call Batman on this." Dick took Connor's arm over his shoulder.

Jason sighed as his face pulled into a grimace. "Yeah sure...I'll contact him."


The three figures walk into the cave, two supporting the limping one in the middle. "Connor!" The brunette looks up to see Hank rush over to the men and closely inspects his feature. He really doesn't look too... Bad. There's a big gash on his left leg, his pants is ripped to shreds and covered in blue blood. The dress shirt is unbuttoned at the top, covered in more blue, from bullet wounds, and his gray jacket is ripped. Connors normally well kept hair is a mess and Thirium dripping down the right side of his face, covering the LED but the glow still shows. Red, blinking rapidly.

"Lieutenant. You don't happen to have some spare Thirium laying around?" Dick almost drops the android, he's so surprised at how calm he sounds. Hanks expression changes to thoughtful as pats his jacket pockets and then pulls out a small container with blue liquid. "Thank you." 

Connor reaches out to it with a trembling hand but Hank pulls it back. "Nope definitely not. We need a technician who fixes you back up. As far as I can see your not missing any parts so it should be easy" He turns around to Bruce and the others who are staring at the android with wonder. "Hey Big man! Could you-?"

Bruce stands up from his desk and nods. "We can check to see if we have any tools to repair him but it will be highly unlikely." Scanning over the hurt android, he shakes his head. 

Well then... Challenge accepted.


-That moment when Wattpad is being a little shit and never saves anything for two days and you spend your time re-writing everything

°Gotham: Become Human ° (A DBH\DC Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now