Chapter Ten

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Lance was basically fuming as he swam towards the surface. He didn't even think he could go as fast as he was, but he shot through the water like a bullet. There was only one place he had to get to, and it rage was fueling his whole body, from his head to his fins.

He reached the edge of the cliff in record time and began to hurl rocks at the window of the cottage at the edge. After a minute, Haggar came out, looking serene, like she had been expecting him. Her hand rose up and so did the water surrounding Lance.

He was too filled with rage to really resist, so he rode up the fountain with his teeth bared. When he reached the top, Haggar rose another hand and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind.

Gah! He thought, clutching his head That hurt!

I should hope so a cool voice spoke in his head That means it's working.

Lance screamed silently when he realized that the voice was not his own. Witch, are you in my head!? He mentally yelled.

Haggar nodded and her voice played out in his mind, her lips remaining still. I can not give you your voice, but I had a feeling there was something you wished to tell me.

Lance snapped out of his shock at those words and his face twisted into anger again. YOU TOLD EVERYONE THAT I WAS DEAD!!!! He screamed in his head, moving his mouth with the words. He needed to at least feel like he was really yelling.

I did she said, smiling I do not see the problem, you wished to be with your prince, so I told your family something to ease their minds when you didn't come home.

Keith found out! Lance yelled, face turning red He's never gonna kiss me, now!

Haggar smiled a twisted smile, one that made Lance's insides twist. Then you'll be my servant for the rest of your days she whispered, her smile twisting into something sickening.

Lance's stomach twisted in so many ways, it was a miracle that he didn't throw up. You did this on purpose he whispered, his breathing picking up.

Haggar merely smiled and released the water holding Lance, allowing him to fall back to the ocean. He hit the water with a splash, but he barely even felt it, the numbness in his tail keeping him stationary.

He was instantly reminded of the time after his jump. The water rushing around him as he sank deeper, little bubbles coming in and out of his mouth and nose, numbness throughout his whole body. The only difference was that he could still breathe, the water coming in and out of his mouth in short bursts.

She planned this he thought, finally picking himself up from the ocean floor and slowly floating back towards the castle She knew this would happen

He came back to the castle roughly two hours later, the sun already beginning to slowly rise through the waters. The guards at the front gate regarded him with a small look, but said nothing, knowing that he had gone out a few hours earlier.

What am I gonna do? Lance thought to himself as he laid on his bed. Exhaustion from staying up all night began to catch up to him and he felt his whole body slowly turn into lead, until he was snoring softly.

He was crying, heavy tears pouring out of his eyes where he sat, his tail slick with the water. His whole body felt numb, but he couldn't do anything about it. All he wanted to do was cry.

"There there," a gentle voice said above him, "Don't cry," Cold fingers wrapped around Lance's chin and lifted his head up t meet the owner's eyes. Haggar stood above him, a large smirk on her face and a whip in her hand.

"Time to work," she whispered, lashing out at him with the whip. It hit him on the face, blinding him to everything around him with a sting that burned with more fire than a forge.

The darkness around him began to swirl, small shapes began to appear, flickering into existence, until he was sitting in a room that looked like it was having a party held in it. People were walking around Lance, basically ignoring him as he stood, somehow on two legs. Immediately, he spotted Pidge and Hunk and ran up to them.

"You know, I'm not even sure why we mourned him," Pidge said, taking a drink from the cider glass in her hand. Lance stopped at that, watching the two with a frightful stare.

"Yeah," Hunk replied back, "Not sure either, he was pretty annoying now that I think about it," He took a drink of his own cider glass, downing it in one gulp.

Pidge laughed when he sputtered, then sighed loudly, thinking. "He didn't even hang out with us all that often," she muttered bitterly, "He was always on that beach with that stupid guitar of his,"

Lance began to cry at that, realizing that he was right. He had never once tried to solve his problems with their friends, and he spent more time on the beach with his guitar than he did with them. He was a terrible friend.

Hunk seemed to laugh at something Pidge said, the sound echoing through Lance's head and making his dizzy. He collapsed onto the floor, clutching his head to try and get the pounding to stop. The sting from Haggar's whip returned, stinging at his eyes and cheeks as the world seemed to spin around him.

When it all stopped, Lance looked up and saw Keith. He was sitting on a rock, looking over at the beach with a blank expression. Lance swam up to him, in his merman form this time.

"I hate you," Keith said when he got close, "I hate you, Blue," Lance paused, staring up at Keith with a hurt expression. Why would he ever say that?

"I'll never be able to care about you the way I cared about Lance," Keith spoke again, making Lance's heart twist. He wanted to scream out 'I am Lance! Don't you see!? I'm right here!' but he couldn't, his throat seeming to close up and cut off his breathing.

"You can go and get caught in a fish net for all I care," Keith muttered, giving Lance a glare. Lance looked up at him and saw that his beautiful eyes had changed. Instead of the lovely shade of indigo that made Lance's heart melt, they were blood red, taking up all the space in his eyes and leaving no room for the pupils or whites. The marks on his face were different, too, carving down his face, like bloody tears.

"I hope you die," he said, his voice lowered down at least three octaves, sounding like he was inside his head.

Lance's throat decided to finally close up, cutting off all of his breathing in one click. He began to choke, gasping for air and clawing at his throat with his nails. His vision faded, swirling into all black as Pidge and Hunk's laughter mixed with Haggar's, and Keith words echoed in his head. It all was just too much.

Lance suddenly sat up, gasping for air, his nails digging into the skin around his neck. When he realized what he was doing, he slowly pulled his hands away from his neck and closed his mouth. His fingers and nails were caked with bright red blood that floated through the water in strips, dancing through the air like ribbons.

Glancing out his window, he saw that it was nearly noon. If he wanted to get Keith to kiss him before sunset, he would have to act fast.

A/N: The plot thickens~ ooooooohhh

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