Chapter 2: This Girl's Got Game...

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"Who was that? Do you know him?" Mom asked.

"His name is Ryland. We met in the office."

"Interesting. Is he nice?"

"Yeah. He's really nice, into videogames like me." I smiled.

"So that's why you were looking down. I couldn't tell if you were on your phone or what." She laughed.

"Ha ha... yeah." I chuckled.

"How did the session go? Do you like the therapist?"

"It went well. She's nice. We talked about some coping strategies and how to handle my emotions a little." I said.

"Good. I'm glad. I told you this would be helpful for you."


As we pulled into the driveway, I decided to text Holly about a girl's night.

Kallie: Hey. Wanna hang out tomorrow night?

Holly: Yes! I'll see if Caleb is around.

Kallie: Actually, I was kind of thinking of having a girl's night... just you and me if that's ok.

Holly: Sure. We need some girl time. What have you been up to today? You haven't texted at all.

Shoot. What do I say to that? I don't want to tell her about going to a therapist.

Kallie: You know, the usual.

Holly: Videogames?

Kallie: Yup! (That's not technically lying... I played on Ryland's 3DS.)

Awesome! Now we're going to have a girl's night. Sweet!


I headed into Karter's room to play with the PS4. I was in the mood to play some COD. I need to practice after all, to get ready to impress Ryland with my skills.

After winning two rounds, I decided to enter his friend code, just for the heck of it.

"657QX5R." I said aloud, typing in each digit. Up popped his username, Rover_RylandXD

That username is so lame. Why add the XD? So cheesy.

Within a few minutes, a two notifications popped up on the TV:

Rover_RylandXD has accepted your friend request.

Rover_RylandXD would like to be your friend.

After I hit accept, a message popped up on the screen:

Rover_RylandXD: Want to play some COD?

Kallinator: Sure. U better watch out ;-)

Rover_RylandXD: I'm ready. Let's do this.


After awhile, we decided to turn on our mics. We were too lazy to type.

"Dang, Kallie. You're good." Ryland commented.

"Thanks. You are, too. It helps having like no social life." I teased.

"It certainly does." He laughed.

"Oh man. You're in a jam. Kyle653 and LuciferLocke have you cornered. I have an idea. Why don't you jump onto-"

"Way ahead of you." I interrupted, shooting both Kyle653 and LuciferLocke, and jumping onto the nearest platform.

"Oh my god. You just... woah." He said in shock.

I laughed, not really knowing what else to say.

"So, you said you live like 20 minutes from the therapists' office?"

"Yeah. I do... why?"

"Would you like to go to Five Guys sometime? I really like their burgers."

"Uh... sure. Maybe after our appointments on Friday?" I asked.

"Perfect. Let's do that." I could tell he was smiling on the other end. 

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