B A D ⚠️

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Dirty warning - skip if not interested :)
Sorry I haven't updated in foreeevver but I've been so busy getting ready for school butttt here's a new chapterrrr - it's seriously flooding where I live so I have time to write a bit ❤️😂

Brennen: hey guys welcome back to my channel my names Brennen Taylor if you don't know now you know. Today I have a verrry special guest my best friend Jadddde
Jade: hiiiiiyaaaa
Brennen: So we're gonna be hanging out and vlogging and just have a lit day

Brennen: so Jade and I are on our way to Tender greens and then we are going to this juice place Jade wants to go to then I don't maybe we'll go to Gucci
Jade: oh my gosh we should go to like an haunted place I so want to do that with and like Colby or Jake.
Brennen: that's actually and Idea. Guys comment if we should do that and who with.
Jade: can we like stop at target to I need vitamins
Brennen: See this is why I never hangout with Jade she literally has me drive her around everywhere.
Jade: heyyy you offered to drive you asshole
Brennen: so why do you always need to go fifty million places when we hangout
Jade: because I push off doing things until someone offers to drive me places lol
Brennen: my point exactly

Brennen: Okay so we're at tender greens right now it kind of looks like we're on a romantic date.
Jade: I have a boyfriend
Brennen: at least I tried

Brennen: We're now at Target and Jade seriously needed vitamins and she took it out of the slot thingie and literally all the vitamins came falling out out she's picking it all up.
Jade: seriously Brennen do you need to vlog this. This is so embarrassing omg.

Brennen: now she's making me go to Sephora
You're lucky I love you J
Jade: Thank you Brenny

Brennen: Okay so right now we're in the Gucci store I'm not supposed to be Filming but I'm Brennen I'm a vlogger so I don't care.
Jade: so what are you buying me
Brennen: I think the fuck not
Jade: well you dragged me all the way her you might as well
Brennen: YOU seriously had me drive you everywhere today
Jade: fine Brennen. IM KIDDING.
Brennen: Okay guy's so I'm a nice guy right . So Jade just went to lush store and I said I'm going to look at some vans.. well really I'm going to be getting Jade a Gucci belt because I'm nice she deserves it. So this is the one she wanted. I asked them to put it in the bag I  already have from when I bought a shirt earlier so she doesn't think it's weird I have a new bag

Jade: ugh I just spent a million dollars on lush products.
Brennen: well I have a present for you
— whips out Gucci bag —
Jade: what? Wait no way Brennen. You didn't.
Brennen. No.
Brennen: just open it
Jade: no way are you serious
Brennen: yes
Jade: oh my gosh I love it thank you so much
Brennen you're welcome
Jade: oh my gosh I need an Instagram picture
Brennen: wait, That's it for today's blog we will see you later like subscribe and follow me on instagram.

 Brennen: just open it Jade: no way are you serious Brennen: yesJade: oh my gosh I love it thank you so muchBrennen you're welcome Jade: oh my gosh I need an Instagram picture Brennen: wait, That's it for today's blog we will see you later like su...

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