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I'm not scared of death, girl, if I die my love ain't gon' change

Hot water cascaded down my spine and my mind was finally clearing - there were faint bruises on my arm, like they'd been there for ages and had finally started fading, handprints.

His gaze was haunting, so powerful, he had so much control of me but I had no clue how or why. I now know that it was him watching me last night. I could still feel his burning gaze burrowing into my skin, it felt toxic.

What he said earlier, how he said it, I was scared but there's something so intriguing about him. Something that made me want to go back for more but I'd ran away, not a trace of him but he still had my soul.

I shut off the water, wrapping the towel around my physique. I still felt his presence. His tattooed arms choking me as he dragged me into oblivion, Justin.

That's cool—

The doorbell rung as I finished lacing the fabric around my body, my eyes rolling back into my skull in annoyance. A delivery man stood behind the door, his cap tipped to the side loosely as the rain poured down beside him. A bouquet of flowers balanced in his palms, scrawny writing scribbled across the note sticking out the top.

"For Ms...Ayla." He hesitated before he handed them to me,

"Seems like you've got an admirer." He smirked as I politely smiled back, confusion evident on my features.

Hesitant, I read the note,

Wanna leave me? That's cool. I was thinking bout leaving you.

Even his writing was poisonous. Digits were dancing on the bottom, is he a fucking psycho?

I dialled the number, letting it ring, the ringing soon came to an end and his voicemail pulled through the speaker. I scoffed, stalking me then declining my calls?

My phone vibrated in my hands, it was a text — unknown number. I opened the message, it wasn't him.

lost my phone :( text back if ur ugly - trey

For some reason I felt defeated. In some weird, fucked up way I prayed that it was him but what was Trey doing buying me flowers? I sighed texting Trey's old number, him then revealing he hadn't lost it — then my worst fear came to life.

This man had followed me into the night, brought me back home to his apartment then sent flowers to my address pretending to be my best friend. I scoffed, so he is a psycho!

Confusion was imminent but I wasn't scared... I wanted to get to know him. Get to know why he was so interested in me.

Hundreds of people were at that party but he chose me?


Read. She left me on read.

I don't think cat-fishing is the way to go.

She was remarkable. Her full lips and wide eyes. Cheekbones sculpted so perfectly—her eyebrows in a thin arch—such a perfect soul but would she ever be interested in me. After the stunt I pulled last night? I had to have this girl. And I knew she wanted me, as much as she loved to deny it.

meet me at the cafe tomorrow u psycho bitch


stream yellow raincoat for a big fat juicy cock

mirage // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now