oNlY bY cHaNcE...

66 4 21

(Howdy doody. Be4 this starts I would like 2 tank @Blizz-draws for teh inspiration 4 dis hole bok.)

(And dis is Mik Jaggz tiems readeer by teh wae)


It was a rainee and cold day. U had ducked into teh local convenience store to buy urself some cigs. While stopping at teh counter to buy teh cigs, U had seen something more beautiful than words can express.

A large pack off Jolly Ranchers.

U staired in amazement. "WhOaz.." U said, ur mouth watering. U quiklee grabbed dem from teh display and placed them on teh counter. As the cashier went to grab teh pack of cigs, in walked someting almost as beautiful as teh Jolly Ranchers.

A toll, skinny boi entered teh store. He had on a wite sweater and black jeens. "Oof." U murmured.

Toll skinny boi got behind u in line. U staired at him, wile he was conveniently knot looking at you at teh moment. When he suddenly turned to u u whipped ur head around.

He smirked. U jumped a little as he tapped u on teh back. As u turned to face him he was still smirking.

"eLLo LuV." He sed in a british accent. You blushed. "O, hai." U sed, fiteing the urge to touch his floofy hair. He lokked like a seksee cotton bol, u thot to urself.

"Woes. You is purdy," He sed, lokking you in teh i's. "Can I beverage u?"

"Butt we r not at teh bar." U sed, lokking around at the takky store.

"Doesn't meen I can't buy u a drink." He sed, and walked to teh fridge and pulled out an apple juice.

"Apple juke! My favorit! How did you now?" U scremed, wich was highly uneccessary.

"I just now." He sed.

"How da heck does dat werk?" U asked, curiously curious.

"Idk man just go with it." He sed, handing u apple juke.

The cashier finally returned with ur cigs. He placed them on the counter next to ur Jolly Ranchers.

"oKeY dOkEs ThAt'Ll bE tEn BuKs."

U pulled out ur ten buks and handed them to the cashier. U waited for him while he paid 4 ur juke and his cigs. As he finished u 2 walked out together. U hung out in the front with him, smoking cigs and talking.

"By teh wae, my name is Mik." "Mik like Mickey Mouse Clubhaus?" U asked.

"Aw yee." He sed. "Das sick. I'm Y/N." U sed, still smokin ur cig.

"Purdy name." He said. He eyed ur Jolly Ranchers bag. "Are dose urs?" He questioned.

"O, ye." U said, embarrassed.

"Aw, Jolly Ranchers r my fave." He exclaimed.

"Rlly?" You sed wile blushing.



"Hei Y/N, I just met u. And dis is crazee. But here's my number, so col me maybeh." He sang wile he threw a piece off gold paper at u.

U nearly fell over. U HAD DIS BOIS NUMBER!!

"O tanks so much." U said, pretending 2 be chill.

Suddenly, he began 2 get closr. He did this until u weer so close that u could feel his hawt breath on u. He suddenly pulled u in and kissed u.

"Holy crepe." U said, ur face as red as Ziggy Stardust's hair.

"Now, let's eat sum JOLLY RANCHAS!" He sed, opening the bag like a wild bear.

U 2 then sat on his car and 8 Jolly Ranchers.

U wished it would never end.

cLaSsIc RoCk TrOllFiC !Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz