|Caretaker|Detroit: Become Human Daniel x reader (Part 1)

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You groggily roll over in your bed, slapping your hand onto your phone. Picking it up, you answer. "Hello?" you say, yawning.

"Hello, (Y/n)," the caller said. You recognized the voice and sighed inwardly. "Emma wants to come over. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is, Caroline. Could Daniel come over, too? I need help with cleaning."

"Yes, he can. John and I need to run some errands so we won't be back home for a few hours."

"Okay. Good- , " She hung up before you could finish. "-bye. Fuck you too."

You got out of bed, rubbing your eyes. Lazily dragging yourself to your closet, you pick out an oversized black hoodie with white text saying "Free Hugs". You grab a T-shirt and some black leggings and start walking to your door. Emma and Daniel should be there soon.


"Just in time," you giggle as you reach the door. You open it, seeing an excited Emma and an almost-equally-excited Daniel.

"(Y/n)!" Emma yells as she throws herself at you, tightly wrapping you in her arms. You hesitantly hug back, not usually a fan of physical contact.

You look up at Daniel. "They told me you needed help cleaning?" he said, looking around. You moved out of the doorway, letting go of Emma.

"Heh, yeah. You don't have to help if you don't want to- " you started. Daniel cut you off.

"Oh no, it isn't a problem. Cleaning and babysitting is my job, after all," he reassured, smiling.

"Okay. You could start cleaning off the counters or you could wait for me. I'm going to go take a shower."

"I'll wait for you."


You stepped out of the bathroom, breathing in the cool air deeply. You take really hot showers, so the normal apartment air was refreshing.

Emma heard you and turned your way, reading your shirt and grinning. She raced towards you, almost pushing you to the ground. Daniel followed, having also read your shirt.

"Aw, c'mon guys. I have work to do," you giggled. Emma refused. Daniel just held you tighter. Funny, you thought, smiling a bit. I don't think Daniel has ever willingly touched me until now.

"Okay, Daniel, let's get to work," you say, releasing Emma. Daniel pulls away and sighs.

You started to the kitchen, Daniel close behind. He went to the trashcan and started collecting the trash that was strewn about the house. You reached down and started unloading the dishwasher.

You were about halfway done when Daniel came back. The trashcan was full of empty bottles of tea, water, and soda, candy wrappers, and crumpled-up paper. He tied the trash bag together and took it outside. You continued unloading the dishwasher.

After a few minutes, you looked up. Daniel was there, staring at you. You stood up fully, looking at him. He blushed and turned away. Brushing it off, you went back to the dishes.

You yawned as you stood up, stretching. It shouldn't have taken you so long to put away the dishes. You looked around, finding Daniel in the same place as before, staring at you. "S-sorry," he stuttered, blushing and walking out. That's..strange, you thought, smiling softly. You looked at the sink. I have to put all of these in the dishwasher and then I'm done, you thought. Better get to work.

You were almost done, holding one of the last few dishes. You decided to look around again, and not to your surprise, you saw Daniel staring at you. You decided to tease him.

"Like what you see?" you jokingly asked.

"Y-yes.." he muttered, blushing harder. This surprised you. You blushed, looking away.

"You- you wouldn't ever abandon me, would you?"

"What? Of course not, Daniel. Where did that question come from?"

"Um..n-nowhere," he nervously replied. You nodded, suspicious, and went back to work.

About a minute later you had put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. You stood up, stretching and popping your back. You heard footsteps behind you but didn't think anything of it. Starting the dishwasher, you turned to get your phone, but ran into Daniel.

"Oof, sorry," you apologized halfheartedly. He didn't respond, instead wrapping his arms around you. You had to grab a hold of the back of his uniform so you wouldn't fall. You decided to hug him back. He leaned down, burying his head in your hair. "D-Daniel?" you stuttered. Why does he keep doing this? You were blushing furiously.

He must've realized what he was doing because he jerked back, repeating "sorry" over and over again, his face red. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to! Er, um.." he dropped his head, his LED flashing red and yellow. You put your hand on his shoulder, comforting him.

"It's okay. I-I like hugs," you told him. From you.

He nodded, darting his eyes around. It was almost like he was trying to make himself believe it. He opened his mouth, about to say something, but your phone went off. You sighed, making your way over to it.

"Oh, fucking hell. This is great," you said sarcastically. It was a call from the one and only, Caroline Phillips.


Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I'm also not sorry. At all. Mixed signals.

You may be wondering why we all hate Caroline. I dunno why, I just decided we did.

Also I took time to "make" a picture of Daniel for this. He always looks so sad. OH and the font I used in the picture in called Daniel. Fun facts, fun facts

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