Let's stay in! Love, Kavinsky

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"Covey" I roll over and bury my face into my pillow. I'd been awake for a few hours. Long enough to watch the sun peak through the frilly pink curtains Leighton had chosen.

"Covey get up I'm bored" I squeeze my eyes shut and pretend to snore.

"Gross" he teases and my nose scrunches up in offense. I let out another fake snore and that's when all hell breaks loose. His hands attack my waist with fluttering tickling motions and I laugh so hard that I start to snort.

"Hey!" I gasp out trying to ward off his attack with weak little pushes here and there. He rolls on top of me and stops his tickling. His deep laugh reverberates through his body and against mine. We're both breathing heavily.

"How did you know I wasn't really asleep? You could've interrupted a life altering dream!" He buries his face into the crook of my neck and takes in a deep exhale.

"You mean a sex dream?" He says, his voice muffled by my neck. I slap his back and try to get him to roll off of me, but he's 200 + pounds of lean athlete.

"Sex, sex, sex. Why is that all you think about?" He lifts up his head and raises an eyebrow.

"Really Covey?" I blush and roll my eyes trying to bring down the suddenly sexy mood that fell amongst the room. Peter however is eager to keep the energy going. He starts to kiss my neck and my eyes flutter closed and my arms loop around his neck.

"Hey Lara Jean?"

"Hey Peter?" I ask, eyes still closed. He gulps and then I open my eyes to see him shake his head. He tries to untangle himself and I hold on to him tighter. He still tries to wiggle his way out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." I say finally letting him sit up. He runs a hand through his hair and i have to remind myself to breathe when the action makes his abs tense up ever so slightly.

"I was going to ask you something stupid. Just... forget it" I shake my head.

"We have to tell the truth always remember?" How dare he forget? It was afterall in our contract.

"Ok so basically. I was going to ask you if it was okay if I gave you a hickey, but I thought about it and I knew it probably wouldn't be something you would be into and I-"

"Sure" I say surprising myself a bit at exactly how 'sure' I sounded.

"What?" His jaw is propped open and his eyes are getting wider by the second.

"Sure. You can give me a hickey Kavinsky. It'll be part of our 'new territory' adventure"

"Oh. Ok. Wow. Lay back then!" His voice is laced with excitement and I do as I'm told. My hair fanning over the pillow so that my neck is exposed to him. He leans over me and starts to kiss my shoulders, my chest and then finally my neck.

"This is so romantic. Like in Grease when Rizzo got a hickey from kenickie" Peter's tongue darts out against my neck and I gasp.

"Never seen Grease" he murmurs. Focused on the taught skin of my throat. I shimmy my shoulders and relax, settling my hands on his shoulders but the changing my mind to tangle one in his brown curls and let the other rest on my pillow. I wonder if I looked like one of the romance heroines that I liked so much. Probably not. It was early morning afterall.... When the suckling begins I hold my breath until he whispers a quiet and sensual 'relax' into my ear. At that I obey and make my body have the consistency of an al dente noodle. Noodle. I think to myself. Maybe tonight I could make Peter a spaghetti dinner in the communal kitchen. I would need to buy some pasta and ingredients for sauce an-

"Covey" Peter sounds frustrated and I return to noodle position. I even let a tiny moan escape my lips in order to encourage him further. Boys need constant reassurance.

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