Episode Two

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Wednesday was just around the corner. Two days after that Armins aunt would be over to meet Jean. He has been preparing for the scanning and had been told to drink lots of fluids and eat healthy. Marco watched him while scarfing popcorn or any sweets he could since Jean wouldn't be able to devour it all before he got any. He was stress eating.
So far, two days without a job was good on Jeans own stress but the problem of bills and paying for treatment was wearing Marco to the bone.

"I don't know Armin, I can't ask. It's just rude."

- It's not rude. I'll send you a few hundred tonight after I get paid. It's a gift. -

"You could use that money for college. I won't take it." Marco rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I can't do that to you guys."

- Marco. So help me, if you don't take it I will have it put in jeans account and we both know what happens when he has that much money. -

Marco looked out of his room into the hall checking on Jean, him rubbing his nose against their cat, Flicka's, toes. He leaned back in and sighed. "Fine. You know my info... I'll talk to you later I have to go."

- Alright. Bye. -

"Bye." He moved into the hall stretching his arms and legs. "Babe." Jean looked up with a smile and a hum, the cat having fallen asleep purring in his lap. "Get ready to go."

"Where are we going?" Marco only grinned as he left into the bathroom. Jean set Flicka on the floor to follow him. "No, really. Why'd you give that smirk?" Marco shrugged brushing his teeth and watching Jean in the mirror. Jean frowned and slid down the door jam to the floor. Marco spit out the toothpaste.

"If you have some damn patience you will know."

They left about an hour later, both having a shower together and dressing in slightly fancier clothes.
Marco had so many things going through his mind. Most bad, some good. He held Jeans hand right as they walked, Jean mildly confused as why they where taking the bus. The bus didn't arrive for nearly half an hour but the ride was much longer. They had passed from bus to bus, to train back into a bus. Finally the two arrived on the edge of Chinatown, the streets bustling with people.

"We haven't been here since, what, highschool?" Jean halted mid step, Marco catching him from falling.

"We went on our first date here." Jean finally settled into balance. Both made their way through the crowd. All sorts of smells flew through the air, Jean pulling Marco by the sleeve to almost every sales shop and cart in the streets. He hadn't bought anything but a certain store caught Marcos eye. He made sure Jean had his head stuck in a cart saving a few minutes for Marco to sneak off.
The freckled man entered the shop through colored beads hanging from strings. It was beautiful inside, an older woman at the counter and a boy, not much younger than he, placing soap stone carvings and jewelry on counters and racks. "Hello, Ms. I was wondering if you sold rings here?"

- What do you mean The partie's being moved up?! -

"Well, if you throw the party friday, it will be after halloween. Halloween is on Wednesday, Ymir." Christa places a hand on her hip, Armin scribbling something down like usual in his desk across from her. "Mine and Armins aunt is coming from Los Angeles on Wednesday and I want her to go. She's a doctor. Real crazy too." She turned as she talked, Rico, her mother, stood in the doorway.

"Darling, if you could talk a little quieter, your father is grading papers and I have to get ready for work." Christa smiled and nodded then returning to her phone call.

- Alright. Guess I'll send everyone another group text then. -

Christa sighed. "Thank you. Now I have to go. I hardly ever get to visit my little brother." Armin smirked as she ended the call.

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