Chapter 1

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In the Eagleland region, a certain boy would be sleeping, his room filled with various Baseball related attire. His beauty sleep was interrupted by a sudden shaking from outside of the house. With curiosity, the boy would get up from his bed, and sneak out of the house to see what the ruckus was all about. As he departed his home, strange noises would be heard all around him, as he saw a sudden glow at the back of his eye. He followed the bright glow, up the slope closely by his home, he would pass by some Officer Jenny's on the way to the destination. At the top of the slope, he would see a large meteorite of all things shimmering with hot colours all around it. He wanted to check it out, but unfortunately, an Officer Jenny with their Growlithe were in the way, not letting random passerby's to see the meteorite. Alongside the Officer, a chubby boy was seen blabbering to her. After some more blabber, the kid would turn behind him, seeing the boy with his blue striped pyjamas.
"Hey Ness, why're you rubber neckin'? Someone with no Pokemon like you would be unsafe around here, I'm safe here, but you're just buggin' the officers. Tomorrow, I, Porky Minch, will tell you all about the strange meteorite."
With a sigh, Ness would walk back home with his mom waiting for him, "it's best we don't talk about this right now, it's extremely late, you need to scoot back into bed.", Ness' mom would lead him back into his room, where he went to sleep.
A couple hours later, knocking can be heard from downstairs at the front door, awaking Ness once again.
Ness was about to open the door, but the door opened before he could, revealing that it was Porky.
"N-ness! L-l-listen to what I have to say! When the Officers left the meteorite, I went to take Spoink to the meteorite. When I looked away for one second, Spoink was gone! It totally wasn't my fault at all, I blame the Officer Jenny's for not taking an eye on Spoink! I know my parent's are gonna get me for this...
but won't YOU help me find Spoink? If you refuse me, I'll say something that'll cut you like a fury swipe."
Ness would shudder, before nodding cautiously, "alright, just make it quick.."
"Alright! Good buddy, but before you go, maybe you should say 'goodbye' to your mom, don't you agree M'amm?"
Porky would direct towards Ness' mother.
Ness would talk to his mother,
"This might be dangerous, so you might want to take King with you." Ness' mom would point at King, an old, lazy Stoutland who would be sleeping next to the couch. Ness would nod, and grab King's pokeball, returning King in it.
"Thanks mom.", Ness would say, going back to Porky.
"Alright! Let's get going, I'll follow at a safe distance!" Porky would say rather obnoxiously. Ness would roll his eyes at Porky, as they headed towards the meteorite. Before they made it to the top, where the meteorite still shone, a wild Ekans appeared!
"Go King!", Ness would send out King from his pokeball. King would flop onto the ground, lazily looking towards the Wild Ekans.
"King, use Bite!"
Ness would command King. King would disobey Ness, yawning with discontent.
The wild Ekans used constrict, doing little damage to the lazy Stoutland.
Sighing, Ness would try again, "King, use take down!"
This time, King would listen to Ness, running towards the wild Ekans, and forcefully take it down. The wild Ekans would faint, leading King victorious.
"Good job, King!"
Ness would rub it's ears before putting King back into his Pokeball. During the whole battle, Porky would be obliviously staring towards the meteorite.
The two boys continued up the meteorite, seeing Spoink!
Porky would run towards the Spoink, before taking a brief look at the stunning meteorite, "Spoink! Why'd you run off like that?! Now dad's gonna ground me for your runaway!" He'd put Spoink back into it's pokeball, as Ness watched blankly. Porky would hear the sound of a faint buzzing, "hey, Ness! Do you hear that buzzing that sounds like a combee?" Ness would nod, as he did hear it as well. Ness and Porky looked towards the meteorite, a ray of light would depart from the meteorite, a small figure would depart from the ray of light, it was buzzing around Ness.
"A Combee I am....not. I come from 10 years in the future, where all is devastation. The powerful psychic legendary, Giygas, is planning on domination of all Pokemon minds to go against the humans, and start a war. I am Buzz-Buzz, the Beedrill warrior, and I've come to the past to tell you of a prophecy. The prophecy states: '4 children, 3 boys, and 1 girl, will embark on an adventure together bonding friendships with each-other, and the love and caring will vanquish the evil Pokemon who seeks the hatred and war between human and Pokemon alike' , and it is my assumptions that you are one of those boys, Ness. So get ready for an adventure you'll never forget with the Pokemon around you, and you'll go far. Many Pokemon minds have been corrupted by Giygas, and so have the influences on the humans, inducing their hatred towards you in Pokemon battle. Let's get going, shall we?"
Buzz Buzz would buzz around Ness, he was one of Ness' Pokemon now.
"Awesome, I never knew Pokemon can speak.", Ness would state, adjusting his shoe.
"I'm just an acceptation. Barely any other Pokemon can speak."
The Beedrill would perch on Ness. Porky would look over, obliviously, "Hm. He said 3 boys.....I'm hoping one of them ain't heart's pounding right outta my chest!" Porky would proclaim, as he looked down at Spoink's pokeball.
Ness would walk down the hill, with Buzz Buzz perched on him, and Porky behind. Before Ness could've gone  back to his home to prepare for the adventure at hand, a mysterious, tentacled arm fellow with a visor appeared in front him!
"It's been a long time, Buzz Buzz. Trying to foil Master Giygas' plans, by escaping to the future? I should've done this a long time ago, but I'll crush you!"
The alien got out a strange looking pokeball, and sent out a weird Pokemon Ness has never seen before. A Pokemon with a UFO shaped head, and colourful buttons along it's fingertips.
"Go King!"
Ness would send out his mother's Stoutland once again, as it crouched in place. Buzz Buzz would get off of Ness, and fly next to King.
"Porky! Send out Spoink!" Ness would point towards the pokeball Porky held in his hand, but Porky put the Pokeball in one of his pockets, "Spoink is not in fighting condition, Ness.." Porky would say in a Fibbing tone, because the truth was Porky was just terrified of the alien-like Pokemon. Ness would roll his eyes, and look back to King.
"King, use bite!"
King would obey Ness, and run towards the alien Pokemon, and bit it, doing great damage because it was super effective!
"I see that you're already experienced. You're more exceptional than the prophecy led you to be, Ness." Buzz Buzz would say, using protect on King and himself. "Thank you." Ness would flip his hat to the back, awaiting the move of the alien Pokemon.
"Use Calm Mind." The alien would say to the Pokemon, as the Pokemon concentrated, making it's guts higher.
"Alright King, use hyper fang!" Ness would point, but once again, King would disobey Ness. "Ugh....King...."
Ness would facepalm, as Buzz Buzz seemed to be the only one doing something. The Beedrill used DrillRush, doing significant damage to the alien-like Pokemon.
"Use feint." The alien's visor had a reflection towards Buzz Buzz, and the Pokemon obeyed. 
[B] SMAAAAAAAAASH! Critical hit!
Buzz Buzz would take a bad move, he was weak, as his wings would shatter upon impact with the critical damaging feint. While Porky laid against a tree humming a 'familiar' tune, Ness took initiative to help Buzz Buzz, "King, use Hyper Fang!" Ness prayed that King would listen, and he did!
[B] SMAAAAASH! Critical hit!
King did massive damage to the alien Pokemon, making it faint!
"What?? How can this be?!"
The alien would look down to it's Pokemon, who obviously tried to fight it's best. The alien would return the Pokemon back into it's rather strange pokeball.
"We will get you, you parasite."
The alien would adjust it's visor, and teleport away without a trace!
On the ground laid a critically damaged Buzz Buzz, 'koffing' a lot. Ness would thank King for his help in the battle against the odd Pokemon alien, and return him into the pokeball before confronting Buzz Buzz the Beedrill. Buzz Buzz's wings were completely wrecked, many cracks, and his antennae was damaged.
"Buzz Buzz! Are you okay?!"

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