Chapter 2

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Buzz Buzz would be on the ground, it's drills twitching at it's shattered wings.
"It appears that I'm weaker than I thought.'s up to you now, find the others, and battle the Sanctuary Leaders. When you beat them, they'll contribute to give you the right experience so you can destroy the evil Pokemon. I'm almost gone.....but I got something to give you..." The Beedrill would weakly pull out a case, "take this, this is the badge case, where you can hold the experience you get battling the guardians. I believe there's a guardian here in Onett, somewhere in a deep cave. Find it, and gain the experience, you'll need it to save the world from chaos and war.. Oh the light, goodbye Ness....good luck on your journey, I believe in you..."
Buzz Buzz would disappear into nothingness, as Ness clutched onto the badge case. Porky would watch this exchange, listening quite thoroughly.
"It's about time we get goin', cuz my parents may ground me longer the longer we take.." Porky would force Ness to lead him home.
After a brief speak to Porky's family, Ness would return home. He would need to prepare to save the world, but he needed a Pokemon.
Ness would give King's pokeball to his mother, "mom.....I need to go on a quest, here me out-"
Ness' mother would interrupt him,
"I understand, sweetie...but you need a Pokemon, a Pokemon that'll protect you from harm. Follow me.." Ness would follow his mother into a small cupboard in her room.
She'd open it, showing a shining pokeball.
"This was your father's Pokemon before he went on a journey of his own."
She grab the pokeball, putting it out in front of Ness.
"Have it, it'll protect you on your journey, you'll go far....just remember to 'go for it'!" She'd say to encourage Ness.
"Thanks mom. I'll do my best!"
Ness would walk up the stairs to pack what he needed, seeing Tracy.
"Hey, big bro! I hear that you're leaving, but if you need someone to hold unneeded supplies for your space, just call Omastar Express!"
Ness would nod, "yes, sis! I'll probably need that, thank you."
He'd hug her goodbye, after packing his supplies.
"I believe in you, Ness! Be sure to call us often!" Ness' mom waved to him as he left the door.
Ness would adjust his cap as he stepped out the door, the sun was out, and his eyes were adjusting to the beaming sunlight.
"Let's see the Pokemon mom gave to me.."
Ness would take out the pokeball, throwing it. A small, dog-like creature with plump orange fur would be released from the pokeball. "Growl! Growlithe!"
The Pokemon would run to Ness, pouncing on him. This would cause Ness to hastily fall over, as the Pokemon licked his face.
"Hahaha! I can see that our bond is already started, you cutie!"
Ness would pet his new Growlithe, as the two of them bonded.
Ness' mom would open the door, running towards Ness, "Ness! I've got something to help on this journey!" She'd hand him a pokedex.
"This is an advanced device that'll help you learn the diverse species of Pokemon, and I've already seen that you are having a great time with your ol' dad's pokemon!"
Ness' mom would say, letting a little laugh out.
"Yeah, he's really friendly!"
Ness would say, looking down to the Growlithe, as it would let out a happy Yelp. 
"Oh, well that Growlithe you have is actually a girl!", Ness' mom would correct him, wanting to see Ness' reaction.
"O-oh! Whoops! Well....'she's' really friendly! Heh heh."
Ness would pick up Growlithe, as she'd lick his face again. 
"Well, goodbye Ness!" Ness' mom would kiss him on the cheek, before going back inside.
Ness would look at the pokedex, pointing it at his Growlithe.
"Growlithe, the puppy Pokemon. An extremely obedient Pokemon, Growlithe will wait patiently for orders by its trainer", the pokedex would say.
"Woah, that's awesome!" Ness would exclaim, putting the pokedex away. He'd take out Growlithe's pokeball, "I can't wait to see your amazing battle strength!", he'd return Growlithe, as the Growlithe would nod to him with pride.
"I need to head for a cave.....oh, I know!" Ness would run down the path, avoiding all the wild Pokemon to get there quickly.
He'd cross a narrow trail, to a gate, "here's a cave!" Ness would try opening the gate, obviously failing due to it being locked.
"...darn, I gotta find the key.."
Ness would shrug, walking down into his town, Onett Town. He'd eye the Pokedrug Store, walking there.
After taking out some pokedollars from the ATM, Ness would buy some pokeballs, potions, and an escape rope.
"Alright, I'm all prepared."
He'd agree to himself, leaving the store. Ness would walk out of the store, stumbling as he saw a dude on a skate board coming towards him! Ness would flinch, as the guy shredded his skateboard fiercely in front of Ness.
"Haha! Kids get scared so easily!"
The guy would say, in a rude manner.
"..." Ness would give him a quick glare, "so you must be a part of the Sharpedo gang, those ruffians.."
Ness would say bluntly.
The Sharpedo skateboarder would see the pokeball in Ness' pocket, "so, I see you're a Pokemon trainer, kid...I challenge you to a battle, just so I can show my buddies how good I am at battlin'!"
"Alright. Let's strike a deal, if I win, you leave the Sharpedo gang, and if you win...I'll give you all my pokedollars on me, not just some, all of it.."
With greed, the ruffian would accept the offer, leaning on his skateboard, "alright! I'll show you a real battle, kid! Go Rattata!"
The skater would throw his pokeball, letting out a rat Pokemon.
"Cool Pokemon, go Growlithe!"
He'd throw his pokeball, Growlithe would jump out doing a flip.
"Rattata, use tackle!"
The Rattata would tackle into Growlithe, throwing Growlithe back a little.
Growlithe would look at Ness, with hope in its eyes.
"Growlithe....use bite!"
The Growlithe would obey, biting Rattata. The rat Pokemon would let out a screech of agony.
"C'mon! You're better than this Rattata. Use tail whip!"
The Rattata would whip it's tail at Growlithe, lowering it's defensive stat.
Ness would cheer the Growlithe on,
"Yeah! Now use that killer ember attack!"
Growlithe would spit a flame at the Rattata, causing it to fall over, and faint!
"Say what???" The Sharpedo Ruffian would stare in utter shock at his Rattata, before returning it.
"Yeah! Great job, Growlithe!"
Ness would hug his Growlithe, as they both looked at the Skater.
"Alright! I win, so you gotta quit the gang!" Ness would grab onto Growlithe's Pokeball, twirling it in his hand.
"You got me's some pokedollars. Just leave me alone.."
The skater would hand Ness a dozen of Pokedollars, and returned his Rattata. He'd skate away into an arcade building with graffiti all over it.
Ness would raise an eyebrow at the building, "Hm..." He'd approach the building, being confronted by another Sharpedo gang member with a pogo stick.
"Hey kid! Scram! I heard what you did to my buddy."
The Guy would say, jumping around on his pogo.
"No...what's goin' on here?"
Ness would ask with suspicion.
"This is the Sharpedo game headquarters! You're not welcome here, especially not to speak to our boss!"
The Pogo hopper would cover his mouth, as if he spoke too much.
"...I wish to speak to your boss. I wanna see what's up with this 'gang' of yours."
Ness would stammer to the Pogo Hopper, trying to look serious.
"Well, you'll have to go through me!!"
The Pogo guy got out a Pokeball, "you may have busted out my buddy, but I'll beat you with my killer Pokemon! Go Scrafty!"
A Pokemon with a big head would drop from the pokeball!
"Hm. Looks cool. Go Growlithe!"
Growlithe would let out a howl as it was sent to the battlefield again.
"So I see you got a fire type, eh? Well I'm going to crush you!"
The Pogo Punk would proclaim with pride.
"We'll see about that! Growlithe, use take down!"
The Puppy would fiercely pounce onto the Scrafty.
The Scrafty would screech, "alright, use zen head butt!"
The Scrafty would power up, and then fiercely head-butted Growlithe to the ground!
The Pokemon would whimper quietly, trying to stand up, Ness watched, and dug through his bag.
Ness used a potion on Growlithe, and Growlithe stood strong again!
"Ha! Now an open attack! Scrafty, use head butt!"
The Pogo Punk would command to his Scrafty.
Growlithe would stumble down again, he was low on power again.
The Pokemon would look at Ness, it was sorry since it was almost not able to battle.
"Growlithe, you can do this buddy! I believe in you....just don't lose, we hafta show this guy what we're made of!"
Ness gave little words of determination to Growlithe, Growlithe would feel determinated to win the fight.
The Scrafty seemed to be snickering quietly, as it looked over to its trainer in pride.
"Ha! That's right Scrafty! Beat this brat!" The Pogo Punk would fall over, getting back up.
"Alright Growlithe...use tackle!"
Growlithe seemed to be rather sluggish, but it followed Ness' orders, running to the Scrafty, doing a killer tackle!
The Scrafty seemed to be enduring the pain, using its head to take the attack.
"Heh heh! Your Pokemon can't compare to Scrafty! THIS is why I'm the security for the Sharpedo Gang. One more attack, and you're Pokemon will be as smoked as a smokescreen!"
The Pogo Punk taunted Ness, as the Scrafty listened carefully for commands from its trainer.
"Use Zen head butt again!"
Growlithe would have fear in its eyes, but Ness believed in him.
As the Scrafty ran over to do the head butt, Growlithe swiftly dodged the attack!
"That's the spirit! Now Growlithe, Use Leer!"
Ness would seem determined to win the bout.
Growlithe would flare intensely at the Scrafty, making its defence vulnerable.
"Ha! Leer?! That doesn't do anything! You gotta keep on attacking!"
The Pogo Punk tried to stammer, while adjusting his Sharpedo themed helmet he had almost completely covering his head.
"Heh, Scrafty, use swagger!"
The Scrafty would show its swag, making Growlithe's attack grow sharply, but it also made her confused!
"Hm...well, whatever! Use Tackle, one more move aught to finish it off!"
Ness would go through his bag, getting out a potion just in case.
The Growlithe would try running for Scrafty, but she attacked herself!
Her own attack sent her to the ground, Growlithe would howl in pain. "Oh no!"
Ness would try using the Potion, "Hey you! You can't heal your Pokemon before my turn!"
The Pogo Punk proclaimed, thinking he was dominating the battle.
"Scrafty, finish 'em up with head butt!"
The Scrafty would hop over to the Growlithe, head butting it!
The Pokemon would cry, before fainting.
Scrafty had its hands on its hips, knowing it was victory.
The Scrafty would say, declaring its victory before being returned into its pokeball by the Pogo Punk.
"No, Growlithe!"
Ness would lean over the Growlithe, his hat tilting the way his head was over the puppy Pokemon.
The Growlithe was fainted, and the potion couldn't do anything about it!
Ness would return Growlithe into their pokeball, letting out a sigh.
"You beat're a very good Pokemon trainer. You're too good for this darn gang, disband them, and go on a Pokemon journey or somethin'!"
Ness would say, putting the pokeball smoothly into his pocket.
"You're pretty decent for a kid, too. I ain't gonna leave my team though, heck, all my best buddies are here, and we're havin' a blast causing ruckus here!"
The Pogo Punk would explain, still pogoing. 
"Why're you not letting me in anyways?! I just wanna see what's happening in there. In fact....I might be interested to join."
Ness would say with a convincing tone, despite the fact that he was fibbing.
"Oh really? You wanna join our gang!? You seem pretty fit, you're a decent Pokemon trainer, you got that style, and all I gotta do is have ya write on this sheet of paper."
The Pogo Punk would stop hopping, miraculously getting out a sign up sheet made by amateurs and an almost out of ink pen.
He'd hand the pen to Ness, as he'd slightly hesitantly sign the paper.
"Alright kid! You're in! Come on in our headquarters, just don't tell anyone."
He'd get back onto his pogo stick, hopping behind Ness to lead him in the building. It looked like the regular arcade Ness always used to go to, but it seemed trashed and gratified completely by the ruffians.
"Meet the new member of our gang, guys!"
The Pogo Punk would yell, as three Sharpedo Gang members would come out.
There was another Pogo Punk, the same skater from before, and a hoola hooping hooligan.
The Hoola Hooper had a Sloth Pokemon with it, as it would yawn.
"Welcome to the team kid!"
"Sharpedo Gang Forever!"
The Pogo Punk #2 and Hoola hooping guy would greet.
The Skater was still a little mad at how he was beaten by Ness.
"You sure we should trust this kid?"
The Skater would whisper to the Pogo Punk that lead Ness into the facility.
"O-of course. This kid seems super reluctant to join our squad, we just need to show him to the boss!"
The Pogo Punk replied, leading Ness to a machine at the side of the room.
"This is a healing system for our Pokemon, you can heal yours!"
The Pogo Punk would say with friendly intent.
"Oh, thanks!"
Ness would place Growlithe's pokeball onto the machine, 'beep beep beep beep beep', Growlithe was fully healed and recovered.
Ness would take the pokeball back, as he was being lead towards the back of the arcade shack alongside the other Sharpedo Gang members.
"Hey Boss, sir, we have a new recruit!"
The Pogo Punk #1 would exclaim to the boss, who was standing behind. The boss would turn around, he was super hip and cool, and had a Sharpedo tooth necklace, and a haircut like one, too!
His shades would shine at the look at Ness, "...I see. Please leave me with this boy." He'd say with a rather friendly, yet low tone.
"Alright sir, he's also a decent Pokemon trainer, just pointing that out!"
The Pogo Punk added, before he and the others left the battle scene, but the Sloth Pokemon would stay back.
It was seemingly focussing on what was going on between Ness and the Sharpedo Gang boss were doing.
"Hey, Name's Frank."
The Boss would stay, spinning a pokeball on a knife.
"And I know you're not here to join our little be prepared to be beat by the amazing Frank Fly!"
The Shades he had dazzled with flare, as he looked at Ness.
"Battle me. If you win, which I doubt you would, I'll disband this entire team. It's just brand new, so it wouldn't kill to terminate my gang."
Frank would say, organizing a deal.
"I know what you want, you want the shed key to go to that shady looking cave, am I right? I saw you trying to open it earlier.."
Frank would say, pulling out another knife, and throwing it close to Ness' feet for threatening purposes.
Ness would jump back from the knife, "yes. That's right. Do you have the key?" Ness would ask, pulling out his pokeball to start a battle.
"I don't. The mayor does, and I bet if my gang stopped causing mayhem 'round these parts, perhaps he'd give you the key..
That's why I'm offering this to you, kid."
Frank would smile, showing a full set of teeth, his two front teeth would seem like gold.
"I'm ready!"
Ness would say, throwing his pokeball, "Go Growlithe!"
The Sloth Pokemon would watch nearby, scratching its thighs.
The Sharpedo Gang Boss would do a snazzy battle position, throwing his pokeball from his knife,

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