Chapter 5

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I don't know why I keep on staring at Sky when she goes down the hallway.

I feel like what I'm doing it's creepy.

When she's near me, my heart starts beating fast.

Also, some great news that Brandon told me earlier. He told me that Sky was single. I was very surprised. But he told me to start talking to Sky and start being her friend before any other guy can win her heart.

But also I was wondering that if Brandon has a crush on Sky. So I ask him:

"Eyo bro." I said.

"Yeah?" Brandon replies.

"You don't have a crush on Sky, don't you?"

"Naw bro! I have a crush on Brittany."

"Brittany? Who the hell is Brittany?" I say.

"Oh, you don't know?"

"No bro." I say.

"Brittany is Sky's best friend. She's also nicknamed Britt." He says.

I thought for a moment, thinking. Then I suddenly think this:

I could ask Britt what she know about Sky so I could start being Sky's friend. But to be honest, I don't know how Britt looks like.
So I ask Brandon.

"Hey, what does Britt look like?" I say.

"She has a half blacked face, her other part of her face is white. She basically a white werewolf though. She has 2 tails. Her colors for her ears and tails are Purple and Blue. Her tails are also colored half black. She also has one eye that is purple and the other blue."

"Oh, alright thanks." I say. 

"No problemo."

4th period comes, and I'm trying extremely hard not to be shy in front of Sky.

We were doing our classwork and she then asks me:

"So Alex, what's your full name?"

I reply "Alex Hernandez Garcia."

"Ahh so youre hispanic, do you speak Spanish?"

"Yes I do." I reply.

"Me too." She says.

"Wait, so youre hispanic as well?" I respond.

"Yep." She says.

"What's youre full name?" I say.

"Sky Vasquez Cortez." She says.

"Ahh alright." I say.

I think now Sky really wants to know me since she asked me for my full name.

I'm starting to open up to her.

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