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Today found Ana at JYPE with Jackson. Yoongi was off in Busan, again, for a concert. As a result, Ana was plastered to Jackson's side, not wanting to be alone. He was, at the moment, with the guys, learning choreography. He was having a hard time.

"NO!" the choreographer yelled. "Mark! Youngjae! Jackson! You're starting on the wrong foot!" He huffed in frustration. "Take a break!"

Jackson was breathing hard, and he was so clearly frustrated as he walked over to Ana. He threw himself onto the sofa next to her. He put his head on her lap, and sighed in frustration. Ana ran her fingers through his hair, leaning down and kissing his temple.

"You will get it," Ana answered, as he lied on his back to look up at her. "You are always so hard on yourself about the dancing. You also, always, get it in the end."

"Why do I have two left feet today?" Jackson asked, his eyes closing for a second.

"Because you miss Yoongi," she said, smiling at him.

"Maybe," he said, nodding.

Their break lasted thirty minutes. Then the choreographer came back, glared at Mark, Youngjae, and Jackson, and motioned for them to get on the floor. Ana glared at the choreographer, and pointed at him.

"Don't you be mean," she said, before she sat back.

Jackson laughed, giving her a kiss on the forehead, and then going to the floor. This time around, he did so much better at the dance. He managed to fix the mistake that he kept making, and then picked up the second half of the choreography must faster.

Then a group of giggling girls was shown into the dance room that Got7 was practicing in. They all walked over to where Ana and the manager were sitting. They watched as Got7 practiced, and each giggled, especially when JB and Yugyeom danced in the center of the dance floor for their solos.

"Unnie!" one of the young girls said, catching the attention of one of the other girls. "Did you see JB oppa? He moves so good!"

"Look at Yugyeom oppa!" another girl said.

Yugyeom's ears turned pink, and he stumbled slightly. She giggled, and their manager turned to look at them. She told the girls to stop talking, and to pay attention, because they were going to have to start training in dance too.

Ana smiled. These little girls were going to be a girl group with JYP. How cute. Then one of the little girls turned to look at the guys, and her gaze focused in on Jackson. She smiled, and walked up to him. Her manager groaned, and tried to grab her arm. The girl put her hand on Jackson's shoulder, and when he turned, she smiled sweetly up at him.

"Jackson, oppa," she said, pressing herself right into his arm. "You dance so amazing."

"Oh, thanks," he said, smiling down at her, moving a little away.

"Will you teach me?" she asked, putting her arms behind her back, and rocking back and forth looking up at him.

"Teach you?"

"Yes," she said, her hand caressing down his arm.

"Well, I think I can teach you some of the steps."

Like that, Jackson started teaching the girl the dance moves. She kept getting wrong the same step that Jackson had gotten wrong. Jackson put his hand on her thigh, and placed her foot in the correct place. She looked up at him with big innocent eyes, and Jackson smiled.

"It's ok, I messed this up too, all the time."

Ana walked up at them, and pulled the girl away from Jackson. "That's my boyfriend you're pawing," she said, glaring at her.

Watty 2019 Nominee A Polyamory Affair (BTS and GOT7 Fan Fiction) ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now