chapter one

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*Listen to the song if you want to.
The A team - Ed Sheeran *


Date: Thursday 23 April 2018 6:48 PM
Location: Home
Weather: Rainy

Dear dairy, sorry for not writing anything in the past couple of weeks. I've been so busy trying to keep up with school, family and friends...
Ohh god who am I kidding? The only thing I have been busy with is being lazy.
I haven't done anything useful for two weeks straight. I need help!

Yesterday we had this huge math test which I probably failed on, and I swear to god my teacher hates me.
She never helps me when I asks about something or even give me a chance to get better. I hate her. Which is probably good cause then the relationship it's at least mutual.

Anyway, I saw him today. At the cafe. You know who I mean. He had his skinny black jeans as usual and a pink hoodie.
Have I mentioned that he looks hella good in pink? If not, he does. He suits in every colour I can come up with, except orange. Orange make him look, I don't know weird? I don't think it matches his skin tone that well.
But besides that he's the closest to perfect as you can get. If perfect was a person it would definitely be him.

He sat their in the cozy little corner of the room. The one I always choose, my special place. Looking all calmly and peaceful with a book in his hand. I think it was Harry Potter or something quite similar.

I wanted so bad to walk up to him and say hi. Ask about how's everything going, but I didn't.
I got nervous and turned around immediately, before he even got the chance to see it was me. Now afterwards I kinda regret it.

Next time you can do it Grace. Next time you will be walking up to him with a smile on your face, looking confident and ask him about something.
The topic doesn't matter at all, the point is that you will be talking to him. You can do it!


About an hour Vanessa will come over and we're going to watch this movie I've wanted to see since forever. It's called "The fault in our stars" .
The movie is based on the novel with the same title by John Green.  I hope she can get me in better mood. She always makes me smile in some way, I love her.

I remember this time when we were on a road trip with school. I think we were maybe twelve.
It was a hot summer day and my class had decided to go to the beach. We all was super excited for it. I had talked about buying this new ice cream that was only available there.

When we arrived at the beach the first on my list was to buy this damn ice cream. I can't believe I got THAT excited for an ice cream.

It was a long queue to the ice cream shop. Me and Vanessa waited for a half an hour before it was my turn to order. When I said to the cashier what I wanted ,he told me that the ice cream was sold out. I got all mad and when he asked me if I wanted something else I just walked away without a sound.

In that moment I thought it was over, that the day was destroyed.
Then Vanessa said something that made me laugh and I totally forgot about the ice cream.
It turned out to be one of the best days in my life.

song of the day: the a team - ed sheeran

// Grace W


Hello guys! This is my first ever fanfiction. I'm pretty excited for it. I hope it will be a great book.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to leave a comment.
And give me some response if you want to.

I'm already looking forward to post the next chapter, stay tuned!

/ prettymuchmendes

Letters from me to you [ Shawn Mendes]Where stories live. Discover now