Chapter Four- The Letter

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Chapter Four

"Harvest is nearly upon us. Thankfully, the Gods have gifted us with good wheat this year, therefore we'll have less a troubling time as last year. Thank you, lass, for helping." Gramps proudly spoke, skilfully observing the health of the wheat. "You would've done your mother proud."

I smiled brightly at Gramps as I watched him observe the wheat. Gramps always had the skill of knowing whether we were going to have a good or bad harvest. Unthankfully, I didn't get this skill. I didn't understand the difference in wheat till it grew into a magnificent height or a pitiful one, and by then it'd be too late.

I was relieved however, that we were going to have a good harvest. The previous years had not been kind to us and so we had to struggle, sometimes starving in order to keep the land. They refuse to listen to it, but everyone noticed that it took a large toll on Gramps and Grams, who were starting to show their age and slow down. Twice this year, Gramps was bed ridden due to overworking.

"I'm happy that this year has passed smoothly. If only Father and Mother could see it now." A bittersweet clench seized my heart. Gramps sadly smiled.

"I know that they are smiling upon us, blessing us with a beautiful harvest... and granddaughter." He stroked my cheek and we both stood their smiling. From the house, Aunt May called out to me.

"Best go and see what she wants. Be a dear and help an old man." Smiling, I cocked my arm out and he wrapped his bony hand around my elbow.

Walking through the threshold, Michael quickly careened into the room and went straight for me.

"Cousin, you've got a package! Don't know who it's from though, there's no note on the outside. I tried opening it, but Grams hit me round the head. Said it was rude to open another's package. I didn't see the harm, we're all gonna know what's inside anyway."

Confusion etched upon my face as I was led into the kitchen where Grams and Aunt May stood around the wooden table. Upon the table, was a very large box with a simple cream colour. However, it definitely stood out as it was rare to find such a luxurious box. Usually most packages came in sacks or bags, or if you were fairly rich, a brown paper box. Whoever sent this must've been exceptionally rich.

"Mail came through just minutes ago. I asked the messenger who sent it, but he wouldn't tell me. Said it was for your eyes only." Grams explained. I slowly stepped towards the large box and hesitated.

"What if it isn't for me?" I asked.

"Oh no, the boy said it was definitely yours. Said Jane Crystal, clear as daylight." Grams explained. I stared at it.

"Well, what are you waiting for, girly? It's not going to open it itself, you know." Gramps encouraged. I gulped loudly and reached for the box.

I slid open the top to reveal white wrapping paper covering something large. Time seemed to pause a little, as everybody leant forward, trying to get a better look at what is inside.

Gingerly, I lifted one side of the paper away, then lifted the other. As I did, a collective gasp filled the air. I didn't know what to say. There, laying right in front of me, was the most expensive and gorgeous dress I had ever beheld.

I lifted the dress out of the box, where the skirt dropped to the stone floor, just missing the dusty floor. It was mostly white in colour, with gold flecks and patterns which gave the look of the sun shining on glitter. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw or touched. The bodice was remarkable, the sleeves simple and I knew that if I were to wear this it would fit just right. But who would send me such a gift?

"There's a note!" Michael said, pointing to the box. "Right at the bottom."

I looked around the dress where sure enough, a letter lay. I gently gave the dress to Aunt May who held it in shock and took the letter.

In neat cursive writing it read,

Jane Crystal.

With nervous fingers, I opened the letter.

Dear Jane Crystal,

In light of the upcoming ball, I would like you to join me, as my partner, to the Celebration of the Sun. Please, wear this dress as a gift and the jewellery which comes with it. Meet me by the entrance at the bottom of the stairs at 11 o'clock where I shall escort you for the rest of the night.

Hope to see you soon, Sweetheart,

Erron Black

"My, Erron Black. Fancy that." Grams said in shock. "He must've taken a large fancy to you, Deary."

"This must've cost him a fortune!" Aunt May exclaimed. She still held the dress, never taking her eyes off it. She seemed to be in love all over again.

"We'll have to pull out all the stops to make you look presentable, Deary. After all, this is a ball held right in the palace!"

"Oh, she's going to look gorgeous!"

As they gushed over the dress and ball, I couldn't stop thinking about Erron Black. It has been a week since he last came over. Why in the world would he want to be with me? After all, I am only a farmer's granddaughter with little to no status or money, and he... he is a mercenary. A wealthy one and the right-hand man of Kotal Kahn himself. He could have any girl he wanted, especially with his looks, and yet he picked me, bought me a dress and wrote to me directly.

Looking back at the letter, I couldn't help but admire his writing. How elegant did his hand glide across the paper? How graceful his 's' and 'h' were. Compared to my writing, his looked like royalty.

"I'm not going." I declared. Abruptly, everyone stopped talking. I turned around to face everyone.


"I'm not going." I repeated. "Everyone who is going to be there will be rich and of high status where as I am just a dead farmer's daughter. I have nothing which puts me in the same class as anybody. I'm just going to be known as the girl who held Erron Black's interest for a couple days, to only be dropped for another, the second he sees another pretty face. I will not the objectified as such and I will not stand the ridicule. It would be best if I avoid it as soon as possible."

Grams stepped forward and grabbed my shoulders gently.

"Honey, this is a one in a lifetime opportunity. I won't guarantee that people will stare but if they do, just remember that you may be a farmer's daughter, but you will be the most respectable one there is, and the luckiest, and most beautiful. They will look upon you in fascination if not jealousy, for you have more a fairer face than any of those rich tarts. Your personality will shine brighter than any of them. You may worry what Erron thinks of you, but I knew when he saw you, when his eyes glimmered in captivation, that he would rather be killed than not get to know you. You have peaked his curiosity and all he can do is watch while you quench it. Trust me, the more you push away, the harder he will pull."

I contemplated Grams words. True, she had a point, I'm never going to the ball again after this one. But I doubt whether people look at me in wonder. More like disgust. How dare I step my muddy foot into a pristine palace? It's not like the palace has been tainted with blood, is it? As for Erron Black... I guess only time will tell that. The whole night itself will be out of my control and I hate it. I'm used to having the upper hand in the market, but the ball is a completely different game. This one will be about charm and quick wit in the form of civility.

On a bright side, this may lead to something completely different within Outworld. Who knows, it might just work out in my favour. The dress is splendid, and the night will be unforgettable no matter what happens.

Before I know it, I pass Grams a great large smile and nod, eagerly. Grams and Aunt May praise me, gushing about how I shall look. Gramps looks on with a small smile and an unreadable expression and Michael stands there, looking just happy to be there. As for me, I look down at the paper clutched in my hands and hold it tight to me. A small yet genuine smile grows as I anticipate how the night will go.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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