Chapter Five

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You opened one eye, and yawned. Liu's arms were still around you. You turned to look at him, he was still sleeping.

'Aw! How cute!' You thought.

You tried to move away from him, but his grip was tight.

"(F/N)...." He mumbled, his voice raspy from sleep. He tightened his grip, and smiled at you.

"Hey Liu... I need to get up..."

"Not just yet... Five more minutes..." He wined. He kissed the top of your head.

You managed to break free of his grasp, and ran into the bathroom to shower. After showering and brushing your teeth, you sneaked right back into Liu's arms.

You both just snuggled, forgetting everything for a moment. Finally, you had to get up. You got up, stretched and went downstairs to make breakfast.

You just decided to heat up the muffins your mom left before the......accident.

After breakfast, you and Liu headed over to the hospital. Where the doctors told you......

----------Authors note---------

I'm going to leave it like that for a while. Hehe maybe mom is dead maybe not. You won't know for a little while.

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