Who Am I?

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Hi! I'm Alexa Issacs. I'm a 17-year-old girl from North Carolina. I liked going out with my friends and reading all the books in the Young Adult Novels section of every library in the city. I loved my little sisters, all three of them, and eating ice cream at 3 am for no other reason than because I wasn't tired. I hated driving on the highway, but I loved going to parties. Even if I had to sneak out to get there. And that's exactly what I was doing before the accident.

My friends and I were going down the highway, on the way home from a party in Raleigh, that I snuck out to get to because I was grounded for sneaking out. Ironic, I know. We came around a bend in the road and hit a spot of ice that hadn't melted from the recent snow storm. The car spun out of control and we crashed. The passenger side door slammed into a tree, and I blacked out. 

Since we're Greek, I'm being held in the Underworld. Yes, the Greek Mythology Underworld does exist. This trip is one of many escape attempts. It's really not that hard to escape. You'd think they'd lock me up somewhere considering how many times I've left.

Currently, my body is laying on a hospital bed in a coma. The doctors say I'm mostly dead, but if you've seen The Princess Bride, you'd know that I'm slightly alive. My parents have been holding on to that little bit of life since 2012, praying for a chocolate covered miracle. Eventually, the hospital is going to make them turn off the life support machines. I'm trying to get back to my body before it's too late.

Luckily for me, this cool spirit body is kinda solid so I can drive real cars and eat real foods. I guess it's from the slightly alive thing. But anyway, back to the story.

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