you aren't equal to us

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i can't remember my intentions.
i've lost fair grip to my emotions. am i a monster? everything is so tight.
he's surrounding me. i'm fighting for my sanity. but he has won.

"no. NO. ENOUGH."

i shout repeatedly. i am becoming a fool. he has tormented me for the last time. i will fight back.

it gets tighter. my soul is squeezing out of place. my fangs set in. it hurts like hell. my mouth becomes heavy and my eyes are narrow, yellow and sharp like kitchen knives. my stomach begins to churn. my insides are all out. i am not what i claimed to be. a fire sets place in me. inhaling air, but exhaling smoke.

the pain has faded off, but he always returns. in the most unexpected areas and time. i prepare myself for these events; by sitting still in isolation, i can conquer control over him.

who is he exactly?
simple. he is me, as i am him. were not twins, brothers nor cousins. we are us. we are me.

one of us however, despises taking turns.
my gears switch and my brain restarts when he is under control.
no one knows about him, no one but me. so yet i restrain myself from dropping hints and sharing secrets. they will be used against me; i can sense their lies through the fine, thin air.

to truly tell you, i must trust you. because it is highly difficult to understand. no, my parents were not different species. no one knows where the bloody hell i came from.
i don't care as much as i used to, as a child this grew bloated roots for a mental illness, but i overcame it through time.

now with reddest ears and saber like molars, im off to hunt.
let's hope i do not run into a human this time.


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