[ 5 ] "This is boring. Let's ditch."

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When time came around to the last class of the day, Anne panicked.

It was getting close to detention time, and Gilbert still hadn't gotten in trouble.

She slowly walked up to Gilbert while they were entering the classroom.

"Gilbert?" Anne whispered.


"It's really close to the end of the day... What are you planning?"

"Just trust me."

With that, Anne nodded and walked to her seat.

She had her eyes stuck on Gilbert for the entire class.

"Anne?" Diana asked, noticing how Anne had been staring at Gilbert.

"Yes?" She whispered, quickly spinning around.

"You've been staring at Gilbert this whole class." She added with a smirk.

"I'm just seeing how - and when he'll get detention. That's all."

When Gilbert saw that Anne had finally looked away, he began to write on a note.

This is boring. Let's ditch.

He wrapped the note up and once the teacher was looking, he pretended to try and throw it at Jerry, but instead having it land at the teacher's feet.

"Whats this?" Miss Stacey asked.

"Nothing, sorry." He replied.

The teacher quickly opened the note and looked up at Gilbert. She glanced at Jerry who was looking at Gilbert, slightly confused.

"Detention for an hour and a half. I'm very disappointed, Gilbert."

Luckily, Miss Stacey wasn't one to get very upset about things. If it were Mr. Phillips, Gilbert would've been punished very harshly. Mr. Phillips was a very... "old fashioned" teacher.

"Yes ma'am." He politely replied.

Gilbert looked over at Anne who was watching him with a very confused eye. He mouthed, "tell you later," and went back to taking notes.

After class, Anne walked with Diana straight to the detention room.

"Shouldn't you be walking with Gilbert?" Diana asked.

"I have to spend an hour and a half with him, I think I can go 3 minutes without walking with him." Anne replied.

"What do you think was written on that note?" Diana asked, curiously.

"I've been wondering too."

"Maybe you should ask him?" Diana implied.

"Never! He said he would tell me, so if he wants to he will."

Diana nodded.

"Can we please stop talking about him?" The red-headed sighed.

"Sure." Diana quietly agreed.

For the rest of the walk, they walked silently. Once they got there, they were greeted by the one and only, Billy Andrews.

Anne tried to avoid him and he let her. She was quite shocked, seeing as he wanted to speak with Diana.

"Billy?" The brunette confusedly asked.

"There's gonna be a party at Josie's on Saturday. She said she'll text you the details. Be there."

"Can Anne come?" She politely asked.

"Preferably not."

Anne was devastated. Then again, what else should she have expected?

"Come on Billy, it's a party for everyone." Gilbert added, following behind them.

"Whatever. It's in her best interest not to show up." With that, all 3 walked into the room, leaving Diana behind while Anne gave a slight wave.

The first 10 minutes of detention went well. All 3 students were silent while working on the work that was given to them by the teacher.

That was, until, Billy started throwing notes at Anne.

The teacher wasn't paying attention, which made this very easy for him.

She tried her best to ignore them but her curiosity got the best of her.

As she leaned down to opened one she heard Gilbert whispering her name.

"Anne! Don't open those." He quietly yelled at her.

She pretended not to hear him and opened the note anyway.

Don't go to that party, orphan.

She ripped a piece of paper out from her notebook and wrote back,

In your dreams.

She aimed right at his face and threw it.

Anne knew Billy wouldn't hurt her as long as Gilbert and the teacher were there. But she didn't need Gilbert's protection. She didn't even know why he came.

She went back to working and the boys didn't bother her for the rest of the hour.

As she walked out, she heard Gilbert calling after her.

"Anne? Anne?!"

She sped up her pace determined to get home.

"Hey, I got detention for you! You should be at least a little grateful!" Gilbert joked.

However, Anne didn't take this as a joke.

"Excuse me?" She stopped walking and turned around at the boy who was panting from chasing after her.

"I was just jok-"

"I did not need your help! I never have and I never will!" She harshly snapped.

"Oh come on Anne, I didn't mean to make you upset."

"Well, you did." She spat out before walking off.

Gilbert didn't want to make her anymore upset than she already was, so he headed off to his house.

Anne tried sneaking into Green Gables, making sure no one heard her. Just to her luck, Marilla and Matthew were sitting by the counter waiting for Anne to return.

"Anne! Where were you?" Marilla questioned.


"Oh nevermind, how did you get detention?"


Anne decided not to tell her about her admirer, she didn't need Marilla freaking out. So she told a half truth and said it was because of Billy.

"They have you a detention because Billy bullied you? That doesn't seem right." Matthew reasoned. "I'll have a talk with your teacher-"

"No! There's no need. It's over, I've already served the time. Now I have lots of homework to catch up on so I'll be in my room." Anne quickly replied, running up to her room.

The red-headed girl flopped on her bed and sighed. Tomorrow is Friday, she thought. Just look forward to that.

wow i haven't posted a chapter in forever. thank you for 1.37k reads! with school im going to be posting much less and the chapters might be shorter but im trying i swear.

please don't be a silent reader! make sure to comment, vote, follow, and tell me what you really liked about the chapter!

creds to @achelois- for helping me with this chapter :)

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