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"That's it!" Tails snapped while tears rushed down his mussel, "I can't take it anymore!" The two tailed fox had finally been pushed over the edge, and Sonic was taken back the sudden action."I'm tired of being treated like a child! I'm 14 for fuck sake! So stop acting like I'm still 8!" Tails yelled releasing all his pent up emotions which had built up over time. Sonic put his hands up in defend, unaware of what Tails was willing to do to release his anger. "Just because I'm younger doesn't mean anything," Tails said calming down a little. Tears where still raining from his eyes.

"Tails... what are you talking about?" Sonic asked some what confused.

"What am I talking about ? What am I talking about?!?!" Tails screamed making Sonic realize he should have worded that differently. "I'm smarter then all of you guys combined! I I've known how to fly a plane since I was 8!" The twin tailed fox yelled clearly aggravate.

"Tails," The blue hedgehog spoke quietly trying not to upset the fox more.

"I even have my own house! No one blinks an eye about that, do they!? And what about us huh?" Tails continued ignoring his best friend.

"Tails," Sonic said a little louder taking a step closer to the orange fox.

"You barely hangout with me anymore! I've know you the longest! You spend so much more time with everyone else! You use to hang out so much but I swear this is like the first time I've seen you all week! Doesn't our fri-" Tails yelled trying to get his point across. That was until the blue hedgehog said something he hadn't heard in a long time.

"Miles..." Sonic said with a voice covered in love and care for his orange friend. Tails just stood there, hugged himself while tears still poured from his eyes.

Sonic took this chance to slowly and carefully step towards Tails, trying not to upset him more. What surprised the hedgehog was that after he had taken a few steps Tails walked up to him and hugged him. Sonic quickly hugged him back and slowly rubbed The fox's head. Tails sobbed into his friends chest, and it was kind of calming him down. 

"Tails, we both know that not true. You're a very important member of the team, You my sidekick for crying out loud. If I had to go on a mission and could only take one person, I'd pick you every time, and I have, haven't I? Not only because you're my sidekick but because you're my best friend and I enjoy your company the most. When you fly your plane, I've never seen you happier, and you need space for your plane and your inventions so why would anyone care about that? You're the smartest person I know, which means you know all this too. What's really wrong buddy?" Sonic informed in a calm and quite manner. He knew that something was causing Tails to act this way, but he wasn't sure what. Tails on the other other hand didn't really know what this was about either.

The orange fox opened his mouth about to speak, but didn't. What was this about? Tails thought back, when did it start? Well there was when he was telling everyone about the experiment he was getting ready to do, but everyone thought it was too dangerous, but that was only the cherry on top. It all started before that, but with what? Was it anger? No, was it jealousy? But what was he jealous of? Tails looked up at Sonic, Sonic looked down at Tails with a concerned face. Tails got lost in his friends emerald green eyes, he loved that color. Then it hit him, he was jealous because he was gay, for his best friend, and Tails wasn't too sure how to feel about his realization.

"I... I don't know..." The fox finally spoke braking the silence. Tails let go of Sonic breaking the comforting hug. He had stopped crying for the most part, with only a tear or two remanded on the edges of his eyes.

"How about this, let's have a sleep over. You said I don't spend as much time with you, so why not hang out now?" Sonic suggested turn his concerned expression into a more happy one. Tails nodded, and with that the two walked to the Fox's house.

The two decided to play video games to lighten the mood, and after a while they decided to head to bed. Tails got out some more blankets and pillows and gave them to Sonic. Sonic thanked him before taking them and setting up his place on Tails' couch. Tails set up his bed and they both laid down and said their good nights.

Tails tried to sleep, he really did, but everything that had happened keep him up. He knew he couldn't run from his problems, but he could put them off. So Tails waited until he knew Sonic was asleep, then he packed a few things and suck out to his lab. The orange fox climbed into the X Tornado, started it up and flew off into the night without a trace.

The next morning when Sonic woke up, he expected to see a still sleeping Fox on the couch next to him, but was surprised when he didn't. The hedgehog at first thought that he had just gotten up and went to work on some of his inventions. Sonic walked outside to see the lab door was open, so he walked in. When Sonic found that Tails and the X Tornado were both missing, he decided Tails had just gone for a ride and would be back later, so he left a note on the counter in the lab, and ran back to his hut.

Sonic's eyes fluttered open. It took him a minute but the hedgehog soon came to his senses. It had been 10 years, almost 11, and there was still no sign of his former sidekick. Sonic looked out the window.

"Come back buddy..." Sonic whispered slightly hugging himself.

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