Chapter 1: No Exception

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Sonic did the same thing he did every morning. He'd get out of bed, swing by Tails' old place in hopes that one day he would find that his fox friend had returned and they'd continue their adventures together. After that he'd head out to Meh Burger to get a chili dog, then hang out with his friends for the rest of the day. Eggman hadn't bugged them in a while and Sonic was getting a bit bored with life. If he wasn't surrounded by water than he would have run to the edges of earth to try and find Tails, and he had thought about taking a boat or something to try and find him else where, but he respected that Tails needed his space so he did.

Even though every day without Tails felt some what meaningless and sad, he'd hide his emotions pretty well, around his friends at least. When Sonic was alone he wouldn't cry, but he just wasn't cheerful. It had been 10 to 11 years since the last time Sonic had seen his fox friend, and everyday was ever so slightly worst then the other.

At first Sonic didn't know wither or not to tell their friends. He didn't want people to think he needed support and he definitely didn't want Amy to force him to talk about his feelings. At the same time though he didn't want to lie to his friends, they'd find out sooner or later anyways. Sonic told them about what had happened the night before Tails left, leaving out most things in respect for Tails' personal boundaries. The longer Tails was gone, the more they all gave up hope. After about 2 years or so the other's accepted the fact that their friend wasn't coming back anytime soon, or at all for that matter. Even though Sonic still hoped, they all said there goodbyes to the kitsune, and went on with their lives. 

Sonic's night routine was pretty similar to his morning one. After a long day of hanging out with his friends, Sonic would head home, after he checked Tails' house one more time of course. Tonight was like all all others and was no exception to this. So Sonic walked, yes walked, to the old abandon house that was once fill with the sound of Tails' working away on something right about now. Sonic walked up to the old workshop and stopped. He looked at the building thinking about the many adventures that started and ended here. The lab hadn't been touched since the day Tails' left, apart from leaving that note the next morning. The blue blur would always keep it just the way he left it, it gave the place more character which Sonic loved. Looking through the windows, Sonic saw the tables and inventions that were now covered in dust and had started showing their age. 

Sonic let out a sigh, he knew no one could ever replace the fox and he couldn't explain how much he missed him. Sonic looked over at the house which stood on the other side of the flattened area, and after a moment headed over to the door. He looked at the doorknob, and thought about all the sleep overs the two had together, all the time the gang hung out at Tails' house, and everything else that had happened. The memories flooded over him like a giant wave or sadness. Sonic had no idea why but he almost couldn't bring himself to open the door. He let out another sigh and turned the knob, opening the door. Sonic looked around, nothing was out of place, nothing was different. Sonic walked in and sat on the couch, maybe he should just sleep here for the night. Tails wasn't using it and he wouldn't might anyways, right? Sonic laid back on the couch and closed his eyes, he was pretty tired.

Tails, the very fox Sonic was missing, sat between the couch and the wall. He was curled up and his right hand was over his mouth trying not to cry. His old best friend was sitting right behind him, and he didn't know how to feel. He wanted to jump on the hedgehog and hug him. He had missed him so much, yet here they were for the first time in years, in the same room, not even a foot from each other, and the speedster had no clue. Tails heard Sonic get up, he sounded tired too. He heard a door open and close, Tails' guessed it was the front door. Tails uncovered his mouth. Why had he hidden? He regretted it so much. He wanted nothing more then to adventure with Sonic once again, he missed everything they use to do together. Tails could feel the tears forming in his eyes as he hugged himself. He let faint sobs out as his grip around himself tightened.

Sonic, who had only opened the closet door to get a blanket and pillow. He heard the almost silent crying and tried to quietly walk towards the source of the sound. after tracking it down to behind where he had been sitting he set the pillow and blanket on the couch. He slowly looked over the couch, only to be over whelmed with relief and shock. Tails, the very mobian he hadn't seen in years, was sitting behind a couch crying. Sonic wanted to move, he wanted to hug the fox, to hold him tight and never let him go. But the hedgehog couldn't move for some reason, he was just frozen there in shock. Tears started to fill his eyes. Sonic slowly walked around the couch, and slowly bent down when he reached Tails. Sonic hugged the crying fox from behind, pulling him as close to his chest as he could. Tails was shocked for many reason, but he was mostly happy. Tails soon slowly turned around and hugged the hedgehog back. They both sat there crying happy to finally be together once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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