Learning (Lemon)

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Luffy carefully placed the sleeping Nami to her bed she was cradled bridal style by Luffy... once down the boy hesitated as he stood in front of the girl "ah what the hell" the boy place a small passionate peck on her cheek... "I get why people say she's pretty but damn she's just too peaceful, I can't help but envy"... Luffy left the room...

*Time skip...

Nami walked into the mess hall she got a quick glance from Luffy "he's actually not drawing any attention to us... but what's with Robin and Zoro"? Both of them stared down Nami with intrigued looks. Nami took her seet right next to Ussop and chopper... the usual conversation went on but Zoro seemed to reserve himself to Luffy, Nami was interested "psst, hey Robin are you in on thing with Zoro and Luffy? What are they talking about". "Well actually we're interested in *quieter, you and Luffy's thing". Nami's cheeks burned red she tried to discreetly cover them up but the others noticed my Sanji... "Nami swaan what is it?" Ussop also quoted "ya you don't look that good" "Hey ARE YOU SAYING SHE DOESN'T LOOK GOOD LONGNOSE"? "Sorry Nami I shouldn't have told you to eat that pepper here". Robin passed a full glass of water" "thanks Robin" she said with a friendly smile.

*After breakfast

"Nami could you come up here" Robin sat against the rail on the higher level of the sunny... "um ya Robin what do you need"? Robin lit up she reached behind her "here it will help you and your... significant other" "Wait, um how do you know about that" Robin giggled "cmon Nami I have eyes on my hands, but in all honesty Luffy came to Zoro about you and well he was significantly absent from the boys dorm last night". Robin pauses "I can only assume the worst, that you and your captain..." Nami went bright red "wait wait wait, we didn't even try anything last night! We just cuddled" "even if that is the case that's why that book can help you" Robin remarked in a playfully incriminating voice.
"Whatever I'll give it a glance okay"... Robin just walked off with an odd ear to ear smile... "okay let's see what this is it can't be that bad I mean Robin has good taste" nami almost shrieked, the book title read "in the bedroom 101" nami hesitantly scopes around the peeled the page open... after a few moments Nami was into the book thinking of these scenarios out in her head with luffy... "what ya reading"? Nami practically jumped 20 feet "Oh Luffy"! She saw the perfect opportunity... "come, let's go" she took Luffy's hand, up and behind the mast on the way she dropped the book... "um nami? What's happening" nami just laughed and pulled him behind a wall... nami blushed so hard... "Luffy... let's learn to kiss"! As if time stopped Luffy just stared at her mature body with that cute childish smile with her locks of hair gently resting against her soft skin... "Nami, it's my first... kiss" nami couldn't realize why that was a bad thing "it's my first too Luffy. So... let's do it" ?
Nami felt the large hands of Luffy gently secure her waist...

Time stopped the softness of Nami's lips slid onto Luffy's... nami grabbed onto luffy's vest, they disconnected, nami sat there staring straight into Luffy's eyes both were blushing hard they went in for seconds, this time Luffy lifted nami up and pushed her up onto the wall "Luffy?, oh no Luffy's rift between my legs!" Before she could think any further there lips smacked together, they both melted into the kiss but soon they had to breathe... "Um Nami, you think we've been gone for a bit too long" "I almost forgot, yeah your right" they both stood straight up, "we should go separate ways.." Luffy nodded "yeah" they went to the opposite side of the ship... Luffy walked as casually as a guy who just kissed a girl like Nami... "hey isn't this what Nami was reading"? Luffy obliviously scanned over the title and then opened it up... "cmon no pictures, this is boring... hmm?" Luffy passed what looked like a picture... he quickly flipped the pages back there was a bunch of panels on two!pages... "hmm?" " let me get this... these two go in lock the door... he kisses her... wait? Why is he touching her boobs? And she likes it, wait there kissing just like... we did... and why did she just take a leak in her dress, damn this is kinda weird"... then it hit him, "wait, this was what we did? Does Nami want too... do this?" Luffy tucked the book away, he innocently placed his hand on his chin "worth a shot"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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