Chapter 2

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I stand in the bathroom at the mirror and shut my eyes for ten seconds and reopen them. I see red and blink again. I’ve known about this since Cody hurt me. My eyes turn red in anger and black for pure, complete rage. I haven't seen any other color but I think its linked to strength. If so I showed that guy today. Kalib. His name was. I live alone and hear a knock at the door. I jump over the railing and run to the door. I may look small and fragile but I have amazing reaction time, and strength. I open the door and see Emma standing there. “oh hi, how are you?” she asks, as my hair slowly falls out of its bun. “hey, I’m good, you?” she smiles, and moves to the side, and I see Kalib “k-kalib?” I ask, “he asked to come talk to you” I nod and look at him, nervously playing with my hair. “you can come in, if you'd like" Kalib walks up the steps, “I gotta head out, I have work" Emma says. I nod and kalib walks up the steps, I shut the door and blush, playing with my hair. “so you wanted to talk?” I whisper, and go into the kitchen, sitting on the bench, opening the fridge, grabbing some coke “yea...who’s Cody to you?” I freeze and nearly drop my can. “he ex..” I push my sleeves down, to cover old scars. I continue on “he was abusive, extremely, and eventually I lashed out, and I ended up in hospital.” I roll up my sleeve showing the two long white scars. I feel tears slip down my cheeks and look down. “the police found out, but his dad bribed them and then nothing happened from there. I transferred schools to get away from him and I never thought I’d see him again. And not here. All I wanted was safety and to get away from him.” I start shaking,  “I never felt safe around him, he made me feel like I never have a place, anywhere.” I look away, covering my eyes as tears uncontrollably fall. “he hurt me, in anyway he possibly could" I sob and raise my knees to my chest, a sobbing mess. “I’ve never told anyone about this. Because he told me, if it got out he’d make my life hell, but he didnt realize he was already achieving his goals. He made my life absolute hell.” I look up, and I know I look pathetic, make up down my cheeks. He looks down, and I do too. “I knew he was a monster but not that bad" he says.

Kalib's P.O.V.

I sit there, stunned at what i had just heard. “Taylor, I’m so sorry at what you experienced” I stand up and walk toward her, wrapping my arms around her and letting her cry in my arms. She looks at me and manages a little smile, and I laugh a little as we wipes her face with her jumper sleeves “I’m sorry,” she whispers and take a step back so she can get off the bench and clean the makeup off her cheeks. She grabs make up wipes from the second cupboard. “c-can you help me?” she asks, and I take a wipe, and hold her cheeks, she flinches. “hey, it’s okay, I won’t hurt you" I whisper, wiping under her eye, and over the eyelid. She giggles and I smile, “it tickles, huh?” “yea" she giggles again. She smiles as I finish it off. “you shouldn’t wear makeup, you're so gorgeous as is" I blurt out, and she blushes ‘Kalib, don’t catch feelings already' I think to myself, and smile. “hey, thanks for not leaving when I started crying. Most people do.” She smiles and her eyes glow ocean blue. “I’m not like that, it was okay for me to hear that. I wanna help" I smile as she blushes, “do you have a notebook?” I ask, “sure, hold on" she runs up the stairs, and jumps down, landing unbalanced on her palms, nearly snapping her neck “Jesus Tay, be careful” I say, as she tosses the notebook and pen at me. I catch them and smile, opening the book and writing my number in the front as she walks over, “what'd you write?” I toss it back “call me if you ever need me" I say, as my phone buzzes, “ah, I gotta get going, mum wants me home" she puts the notebook back and runs over and hugs me tight, “thank you, thank you so so much" she says and looks up, blushing, her eyes a very light pink. “You’re welcome, shorty” I run as she glares, around the kitchen and lounge room, laughing loudly. She runs after and sails over the lounge, grabbing my arm and sitting on my shoulders. “HAHA MORTAL FOOL I GOTCHA NOW" she screams and
Le both laugh, she hits my head softly and we giggle together. She hops off my back, “let me walk you home" she smiles again and runs up the stairs. She jumps down again, landing on her feet, like a ninja. “Tay where'd you learn that?” I ask “Dad taught me, two years ago, we lived here, I didnt go to school a lot. So we trained together, and then, I lost him, to an accident. Mum is in hospital, she's got cancer, and I go see her every few days.” She says. I then see the bag on her back, and walks into her kitchen, grabbing her house keys. “c'mon, it'll be dark soon.” She smiles and walks out the front door, holding the door open. “thanks" I smile. She locks the door and smiles up at me, her eyes back to blue they were when I first saw her.

Time Skip
Tay's P.O.V.
I smile, opening the door and shutting it, leaning against it and sighing, happily though. I go up stairs, and onto the roof. Sitting there. I watch the sunset and plug my earphones in, shuffling my spotify playlist. I stay up there for hours, before I check the time ’10:14pm.’ I swing back into my room and change, laying on my bed, eventually falling asleep, my music still playing out of my earphones on my chest.

1060 words!


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