I do vote!

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For starters, I would like to dedicate this to KatherineArlene for making me into the person I am today and inspiring me to make this novel. I couldn't have done this without you, Kathy.

Now before we begin, I would like to announce to the world that I do indeed vote for books, no matter their shapes or sizes.

In chapter two of your novel How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide, yes, you were right Katherine. I did download this app, have read people's stories, and have absolutely no connection to them whatsoever. But you got one thing wrong: I do vote for them.

How presumptuous of you to assume I do not. Where is your proof? I would like some cold, hard facts, Katherine. There was only one chapter in the book in question that I did not vote on, and it was the introduction page!

Who votes on an introduction?!

Don't answer that.

Other than that one time, Katherine, I do vote on novels and I have voted on yours. Now I would like to present my evidence.

Example A:

Example B:

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Example B:

And example C:

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And example C:

If you advert your attention to the date on which I had voted for your story, Katherine, it was over a year ago

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If you advert your attention to the date on which I had voted for your story, Katherine, it was over a year ago. The fifteenth of July of two thousand and seventeen. This was long before I am making this rebuttal for you, thus, we can conclude that I did not recently vote for the book just so I can use it as proof that I do vote. Because I'm not that extra. This, Katherine! This is the fact I was looking for! The one that you have coincidentally forgotten to include in your chapter "Why Don't They Frickin' Vote?"

Now you must be wondering if I had only started to vote for novels after realizing you called me out for not voting. No, I did not.

Let me get the proof out, Katherine.

Right here, you can see that I had voted on an entirely different book before even reading yours

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Right here, you can see that I had voted on an entirely different book before even reading yours. Right above the novel I voted on, The Cellar, is chapter one of your novel. You know, the one that I voted on (except for the introduction). This vote is the first interaction I've had on your novel, therefore, I did vote on books before reading yours.

Do I still vote on books? Yes, yes I do. Example:

On August twenty second, two thousand and seventeen, I voted on a novel called Death's Touch

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On August twenty second, two thousand and seventeen, I voted on a novel called Death's Touch. This proves that I have voted for books both before and after reading yours. As will I continue to do because I actually do care about voting for other people's books. I do.

Voting for another person's book is something I do all the time as I understand how important it is to the author. Katherine, I apologize that I did not vote for your introduction, but do you now believe that I actually vote? I sure hope you do because it'll be hard to disprove these hard facts I'm shooting out.

In addition to my apology, Katherine, I have also just voted for your introduction. Here is proof that I did:

Now because all good things come to an end—like this rebuttal—I am going to leave you with one final remark: I do, indeed, vote

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Now because all good things come to an end—like this rebuttal—I am going to leave you with one final remark: I do, indeed, vote.

So one up yours, Katherine.


A/N: Before I just throw you all to the wind (or before you harass poor Katherine), I would just like to say that this is all in good fun. I am positive Katherine Arlene is a wonderful person, and her novel "How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide" is really helpful and I strongly suggest you guys check it out.

If you're interested, I have a reading list in my bio where you can easily click onto the book to read it (and vote for it; even the introduction). It won't be hard to find.

The cover was one hundred percent inspired by whoever made Mrs. Arlene's cover for her novel. I created it myself—using the occasional image off of google—but the design was not mine.

I must give credit where it is due (so pls don't sue me).

I would like to thank Katherine one more time for creating her novel that has been a huge help to me and a lot of others. So on behalf of me and everyone else: thank you.

JoelWhatshisname546, aka, Joelwhat Shisname, aka, Joe-el-wat Shiz-nom-aye, out.

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