One hit leaves another mark

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Tord POV

*Time skip cuz I can*

I sat in my last period class just staring at the clock. School was about to end. I already know what's gonna await me when I go home. A abusive dad, a hard working mom, and a sister who works at a club.

The red mark on my arm was still stinging badly. I tried not to hiss in pain loudly. People don't need to know anything about me or what's in my life.

I'm used to being abused and sometimes harassed. It happened to me when I think I was 14 years old at the time.

School ended 30 minutes later and I walked 6 miles to my house. When I got there I walked in to see no one in the house, well I thought that.

Someone whipped me in the back with a belt. I fell to ground and I turned around. I saw my dad with a new belt. I tried to run away but see slammed the door, getting me startled and he grabbed my neck and began to choke me.

He whipped me, kicked me, slapped me, punched me, choked me, you name it, it was all pain and suffering.


I ran to my room and cried on my bed. I got up and grabbed my switch blade pocket knife. I went to the bathroom and lifted my sleeves of my shirt and trailed the blade down my wrists.

When I was done, I looked at them. All of were shaped as stars(Dear Starboy reference) I wrapped them in gauze and hid the knife.

I went on my bed and went to sleep and had a nightmare that my dad killed me. I'll never survive this torture

Scars Don't Heal Themselves (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now