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1st September 1994

     After rereading that short letter about ten times Audrey rushed out of the room, through the common room, ignoring all of Hannah Abbott's calls of concern. Past all of the buzzing students, she jogged to the Great Hall.

     When she got there she was almost out of breath but wasted no time to look around for Rolf. Sure enough, he was sitting at the Hufflepuff table minding his own business and didn't even notice his best friend's entrance until she plopped down next to him and slapped his arm with the piece of parchment she was tightly gripping.

     Rolf nearly told off the girl for her seemingly sudden harsh actions but instead calmed down when he saw the frantic look on her face.

     "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice coated with concern.

     Audrey handed him the paper and quickly rushed out, "please tell me you, or Marcus, or Elliott are playing a joke."

     He read over the letter just as many times as his friend and became increasingly confused, "it wasn't me, and it doesn't look like Marcus' or Elliott's handwriting... Audrey, I don't think this is a joke, someone is in love with you!" The boy got more and more excited as he spoke.

     The two shared a look before they both giggled uncontrollably -- for different reasons. Rolf laughed because he was overcome with excitement that his best friend had a secret admirer and she could possibly gain a romantic partner. Audrey, on the other hand, was giggling at the fact that she thought it was utterly impossible for someone to have a crush on her.

     "Wait you're not serious, are you?" The slightly nervous girl asked suddenly ceasing their laughter.

     "I am completely serious! There's someone here who has a secret crush on you, we need to find out who it is!" 

     Audrey didn't get a chance to reply before Dumbledore started talking. The girl, however, didn't pay attention to whatever the headmaster was talking about, she was too consumed with the intriguing letter she held. It wasn't until a loud roar of applause and cheers erupted that the dazed girl snapped out of her thoughts. She looked around and noticed that one of the first year boys had gotten sorted into Hufflepuff and joined in with the applause but still didn't really care about what was happening.

     Over on the other side of the room, at the Slytherin table, there was someone else who could care less about the excitement going around the room. Draco Malfoy sat there, worried, looking at his crush and glaring at the boy who sat next to her. He anxiously watched as she sat down frantically, and watched as she and her best friend giggled away. It pained him to see her with another boy but he loved seeing her smile, so it was a conflicting scenario. He noticed how Audrey was late to celebrate the new Hufflepuff boy and saw that she was instead focused on the letter in her hand; his letter. The only thing to bring him out of his concentration was a sharp jab in his side.

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