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Yes, Bastard. Why? Because he is.

I am here to rant again. I rarely come here haha but now I need to speak it out loud.

So today, at Maths class, I was just solving some Cyclic problems and that bastard. Ugh, let's just call him A. And I will be S here.

A said, " Hey S, you are jealous of me right?"

I was like, wtf, he isn't even smart ( sorry boi ) and talking to me like he is a god or sth sth.

It's really annoying.

"You aren't even the person to be jealous to" That's my reply and his sinful mouth got all shut.

I wish i could sew his mouth so that it will never ever speak again. He thinks he is a playboy, all famous and you name it.

I call him gay . He is like all weak and blabber alot like a girl. Always complain about small stuffs and like weak, very very weak.

I hate those type of guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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