The Journey that has yet to begin

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Takara awoke with a startle. Was he going to be late for practice again? "Druma!!?" He heard a slight groan. "Dude wake up we are going to be late for the game."  He said as he quickly removed his nightwear to put on his gear. "It's only practice Taki, we are already the best on the team why bother?" Takara just rolled his eyes annoyingly, his brother was such a lazy lad that it made him wonder how long until his lack of hard work would catch up to him. "We promised to see Juni and the gang afterwards. We might as well train beforehand Druma." He heard a sarcastic sigh and some rumbling, Takara ignored it and continued getting ready. He put on the blue vest of the Kilika Beasts. The same one his father once wore. It brought back memories of when his father would play with them before heading off to go train. He swore that one day he would become the best Blitzball player there ever was. He was well on his way to achieving his dream until that tragic incident. Now Takara tries to carry on with his father's dream. "Taki you ready? Let's get this training over with so I can go learn some magic from Juni." Druma's voice had woken him from his reverie and Takara was looking like a young man who had just risen from sleep. It actually looked like he had been risen up by a phoenix down, but oh well.  

The boys strutted their way to the practice grounds near the temple. Today was a relatively quiet day in the forest considering the lack of fiends. It must have been the daily patrol who had been keeping them in control, or maybe Juni was trying out more of her magic. Maybe I should pay more attention over Druma whenever he goes off with Juni for magic lessons. As they neared the forest's edge they could hear shouting, moans and groans. "Druma I think someone is in trouble. We better skidaddle before it's too late!" I said as we sprinted the distance to the edge of the forest. As we reached the practice area I was in for a bigger shock than I expected. "What in the world is skida.... okay that is different." Druma panted, he was really out of shape ever since the break. I just hoped that he would not cost us the opening game of the Blitzball tournament. But more importantly I could not conceive of what my eyes were comprehending as we reached the lake.

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