Training (Artwork by BloodlineV)

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"You boys sure are late, I was just about to get into the groove of things." Now there are many things Taku could not comprehend. How it is that organisms atrophy and turn to pyreflies, how Druma could stomach the village elder's cooking or even how a Phoenix Down worked. But now he had to add another topic to his list. 

"What are you doing here Juni? We were supposed to meet later on to go fiendsploring" One of Juni's dreams was to detail every fiend in existence. It didn't help that most fiends that Juni wanted to sketch wanted to eat her but when she had focus she was unstoppable. Just like now.

"Well you guys took too long. So I decided to come here and wait for you. But once I saw how fun Blitzball could be, I decided to join the team." She said with that quirky tone of hers. She was a wild spirit and seemed to exude unnatural levels of energy. Or manna in her case. She was a fair-skinned young lady who had sparkling blue hair and was diminutive in stature only. If she caught you mocking her height she'd reply with a fireball in kind. Focused. 

"Aren't prospective or aspiring summoners prohibited from playing Blitzball? Wouldn't want you to be excommunicated from the Church." I didn't think that was an actual rule but I had to agree with Druma that maybe Blitzball would be too much of a distraction. "Well that's a silly rule Druma, I mean our very own High Summoner Ohalland won the Blitzball tournament before he set out on his pilgrimage." I can't believe I forgot about that. Glad I didn't say anything. "Besides, the Calm has lasted for five years. I am only training for if Sin comes back. It could be gone for good now." 

Side note: Juni had been trained but the Bevelle to be the next High Summoner. Fortunately for us High Summoner Ohalland took the gig before she became of age. Druma had taken a shining to her and said he would become her guardian if Sin ever came back. He was annoying at times but he cared for those close to him even if he didn't show it. 

"Ahh in that case I see no worries." I said as I performed a few stretches before joining the training session. "Let's see how Ms Knows Only Magic fares Without the use her Powers." 

As everyone had already selected pairs for the session , and since Druma was our keeper who trained whenever he felt like it, I paired up with Juni. "Alright team today we are going to do three laps around the lake. Last pair to finish has to do another lap. Got it!?" Everyone shouted shouted with an exhilarated "Yeah!" and I could hear Juni's the loudest. "Alright then, Three.. Two... One. Go!"

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