Yes ⇽ 1 ⇾ No

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" I hope you rot in hell! " a man in his forty's yells as he stomps his way out of the room, his partner trails behind him giving Jeongguk death glares.

" well then, That was successful? " He yawns, stretching out his limps. His butt was numb from sitting too much and all he wanted to do was move around and get his blood running.

His secretary sighs next to him. " I can't understand why you're so successful " his tone was polite but the words weren't, Jeongguk merely shrugged not even bothered to call him out for his attitude.

" It's the good looks " He smirks while his secretary scoffs. Jeongguk gets up from his chair while stumbling from left to right. His legs were like jelly and one gust of the wind would make him topple over.

" Do I have anything else in my schedule? " He asks, his secretary hurries to grab the clipboard placed at the bottom of stacked papers. He takes a glance at it before looking back up at Jeongguk " No that's it for today "

Jeongguk nods " I'll be heading out then. Tell father I'm not talking to anymore clients " with that he walks put only hearing a mumble as a response. He walks to the elevator and presses the bottom floor. He waits inside patiently while listening to the awful music finally the elevator announces that it was going to open and the door slide wide fro people to walk in and out. Jeongguk lazily gazes around the lobby and finally lands on the people he just talked to earlier. Well only one of them.

" You haven't left yet? " He walks up to the crowd. A couple of his workers were surrounding the man, trying to push him out the building but the stubborn man remains standing there making quite the big traffic. His partner was nowhere to be seen. Probably off to plan ways to ruin his business.

" You! " He looks at Jeongguk rage evident in his eyes, his face was scrunched up and looks like it was turning as red as his tie. His workers turns around and quickly forgets about the elephant in the room. They quickly take a polite ninety degree bow and mumbles their greetings but Jeongguk's attention never left the man.

" I'll take care of this " Jeongguk smirks, the workers looks at each other hoping for someone to speak up and say " are you mental? " but a chorus of " Yes sir " was heard instead.

The security guards who just ran in had the same treatment. Everyone retuned back to their assigned areas and hopes that their boss is alive to see the morning sun tomorrow. Soon it was just them two, facing each other like those old style battles you see in movies. Except none of them had a gun.

" You're really a monster " The man's voice was rough and tired, his chest rises up and down as being in rhythm with his fast breathing. He was a as sweatier than a pool gull of water. Though the only thing not tires is his eyes which is as alive as the burning far. Jeongguk shrugged again " rejecting something I think is useless doesn't mean I'm a bad person "

The man tightens his fist, his knuckles were turning white and it looks like the bone would pop out any second. His jaw clenches and his fire was starting to fade. It looks like a barely lit up match now.

" just quit while you're ahead buddy " he says walking past the man. Even trying to comfort him by patting him on the shoulders. From the corner of Jeongguk's eyes he could see the way his shoulders slumps like rocks suddenly fell on them. His hand unclenches and they were left hanging there lifeless. The match in his eyes were blown by simple words.

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