Chapter 2 (Wee bit of it)

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It is exactly 17 minutes past one in the morning on the fifth of August two thousand and twelve, I have been missing for three days.

Three days I have walked on this road, no food, no water and thankfully no sign of him. I know I was going crazy by now, I did not know this place. I did not knows these miles of rocky roads or the miles of fields that surrounded me. No cars past, I knew I was all alone and I would die. I knew even if I turned back now I would probably collapse and die or he will kill me. At the thought of Steve I shuttered, because of him I could not sleep and if something moved in the corner of my eye I would jump and scream. He was driving me insane, just like he said he would. At night it was worse, I saw the monsters dance in the shadows and in the distance I saw him and his figure. 

Was it bad it seemed so real and was it bad that everything he was saying was coming true. I was slowly corrupting inside, my one full mind was breaking and my body was in agony. It wanted to go back to him and kiss him, but it also wanted food, water and rest. I was dying slowly and painfully and the worst thing is, no one was looking for me or at least that's what I thought.

I don't know if god was saving me, I don't know if the devil was playing with my fragile head and body, all I knew was there was a diner up ahead. I checked my pockets in my dress for any sign of money and I brushed past a paper like object. Taking it out slowly I pray it is money, I see it and its twenty pound note. I think someone out there is looking out for me. But the  sad thing is, it is dark and the diner may not be open, wait I can see the sign. Open twenty four hours.

As I said either God is helping me out or the Devil is messing with me.

As I stood closer I was still aware that somehow, some way he might be in here.

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