Youre love

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Tiana point of  view
I sometimes wonder  what is love  me and Hakeem have this complicated relationship at one point we love each other but then the next thing we hate each other it's almost like the world is pulling us together
Tiana: **wakes up from her slumber **  to take a nice calm shower ** steps out the shower ** raps a towel around her body  drys herself off ** brushes her teeth ** washes her face ** freshening up ** puts her hair in a bun ** picks out a outfit for today **

Tiana point of  view I sometimes wonder  what is love  me and Hakeem have this complicated relationship at one point we love each other but then the next thing we hate each other it's almost like the world is pulling us together Tiana: **wakes up ...

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Tiana outfit for today

Hakeem point of view
Hakeem: ** thinking about Tiana **
Jamal : HAKEEM hello are you there
Hakeem: **snaps out of it **  sorry I was thinking about Tiana
Jamal: I don't understand y'alls relationship one minute y'all are together the next minute y'all at each other's throats
Hakeem: it's  complicated 
Jamal: when did you know that you loved her
Hakeem: I knew when I loved her  because I loved every moment with her , I had this feeling
** Jamal gets a phone call from cookie **
Jamal: ** answers** hello ma
Jamal: ** gives Hakeem  the phone ** it's mom
Hakeem: ** answers ** yes
Cookie: I HAVE BEEN CALLING YOU BOY I NEED YOU AT EMPIRE now to do this song with this girl
Hakeem: okay I'm on my way ** hangs up **
Hakeem: I gotta go mal  mom needs me at empire
Jamal: okay bye
Hakeem: bye

At empire
Cookie  and Laura in the studio
** Hakeem is finally here ** 
Hakeem: ** walks in  and sees Laura ** MA  WHY THE HELL IS SHE HERE ?? 
Cookie: STOP YELLING  your doing a song  with Laura 
Hakeem: UGH I'm not doing a song with a girl that left me at the alter  ** walks out **

Authors point of view
I wrote this because I wanted to see your opinions if u had like it and comment if you want me too continue

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