First Day Back

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Matilda P.O.V

It was the first day back at school after the new year, we had left the Ski lodge early New Year's Day, so we didn't get to see Gabriella again, which disappointed me because I thought I might have actually made my first friend who's a girl, since Abbie, and I don't like the cheerleaders I have to practice with, the feeling is however mutual but my dad made me be a cheerleader. Troy and I climbed off the bus and was immediately greeted by our best friend Chad.
"Troy, Tilly, how you doing guys?" Chad said
"Hey Chad" I smiled
"What's up man? Happy new year guys" Troy said
"Yeah happy wildcat new year" chad cheered
"You're the man" one of Troy's teammates yelled
"In two weeks we're going to the championships with you leading us to infinity and beyond" chad said
"What team?" Another team mate yelled
"Wildcats" everyone else cheered
"What team?"
We all walked into the school in once huge crowd Troy, Chad and I at the front. As we were walking, Sharpay decided to push straight through the middle of us. I saw Ryan walking around us, he looked at me and I gave him a little wave, he smiled and waved back.


Troy and I walked into homeroom, where he was greeted by lots of other people from our homeroom. I saw Ryan sat on his own so I decided to go and talk to him.
"Hey" I smiled
"Hi" he grinned "I looked for you on New Year's Day"
"Yeah sorry we had to leave early morning" I said
"Oh" He said as we continued talking for a little while before the bell rang and I moved back to my seat.
"I trust you all had splendid holidays. Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities, Mr. Bolton" miss Darbus said giving Troy a warning to sit down properly, which he did eventually but not before looking at the back of the classroom. I followed his gaze and saw Gabriella sat at the back of classroom. I smiled at her, in which she returned.
"Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions for our supporting roles and pairs auditions for our two leads" Miss darbus continued
"Pfft" chad said
"Mr danforth, this is a place of learning, not a hockey arena" Miss Darbus said unamused as chad put his basketball on his lap causing me to stifle a giggle.
"There is also a final sign-up sheet for next week's scholastic decathlon competition. Chem Club president Taylor McKessie can answer all of your questions about that" Miss Darbus finished her little speech before someone's phone rang with the start of something new as their ringtone, the song Troy sang with Gabriella at the karaoke, I presumed it was Gabriella or Troy, but then my phone rang with we'll be the stars as the ringtone. I scrambled to get my phone out and turn it off along with the rest of the class checking it wasn't them.
"Ah the cellphone menace has returned" Miss Darbus said as she grabbed her paint tin "Ryan, Sharpay cellphones, I will see you in detention, We have zero tolerance for cell phones in class, so we will get to know each other in detention. Cell phone." Gabriella handed her phone in "welcome to east high miss Montez, miss Bolton, I see your phone was involved, as was yours mr Bolton" Troy and I handed in our phones, I heard a laugh and turned to see the cheerleaders all smirking at me because I couldn't make practice, but like I was bothered, I'd rather not go, they don't like me.
"That's not a possibility, Miss Darbus, your honour, see we have basketball practice" chad tried to get Troy out of trouble
"15 minutes for you too mr danforth, count 'em" Miss Darbus said
"That's probably hard for chad because he can't count that high" Taylor whispered loudly
"Taylor McKessie, 15 minutes for you as well" Miss Darbus said as Taylor gasped "shall the carnage continue, holidays are over people, way over! Now anymore questions, comments, Jason"
"How were your holidays, Miss Darbus?" Jason asked as everyone groaned. Luckily the bell then rang so we grabbed our things and left the room.
"Hey" Ryan said as I walked out
"Hi" I smiled as we walked together to our next lessons, we stopped outside the bulletin boards where the musical sign up sheet was
"You should audition, you are an amazing singer" Ryan told me
"No, no, that's for you and sharpay, I'll come and watch the show if your in it but I won't audition, plus Sharpay won't be very happy" I explained
"I still think you should audition, think about it" he asked as Troy and Gabriella came our way 
"So now you've met Miss Darbus I bet you just can't wait to sign up for that" Troy explained
"I won't be signing up for anything for a while" Gabriella said "but if you signed up I would consider coming to the show"
"No that's completely impossible" Troy laughed
"Impossible" Sharpay said coming out of no where
"Ahhh" I jumped making Ryan laugh, Sharpay glared at me, making me put my head down timidly.
"Troy? I wouldn't think impossible is even in your vocabulary, oh how nice if you to show our new classmate around" Sharpay said as she grabbed a sharpie and signed her name across the whole sign up sheet "oh your weren't gonna sign up were you? Ryan and I have stared in all the schools productions! We welcome new comers, there are a lot of supporting roles, I'm sure we'd find you something" Sharpay looked at Gabriella then at me "maybe not" I rolled my eyes and looked at my shoes before walking off.


I was sat in science, while we were doing equations. I don't understand science if I'm honest but I just copy off whoever is sat next to me. Luckily, I had Gabriella sat next to me so she might help me.
"Hey" she said sitting down next to me
"Hi" I smiled shyly "Are you any good at science?"
"Erm, I think so" Gabriella said
"Can you help me? I'm not very good" I sighed
"Of course" she smiled "were friends now"
"Thank you" I smiled as we stated to do the equations on the board.
"So it seems like you know Troy Bolton" Sharpay said to Gabriella looking through the gap at her, I opened my mouth to reply "Not you" she growled making me put my head down again
"Not really, He was just showing me around" Gabriella replied briefly looking up from her piece of paper
"Well Troy doesn't normally interact with new student" Sharpay said
"Why not?" Gabriella said this time not looking up
"Well it's usually basketball 24/7 with him" Sharpay said
"Not really" I inputted for Gabriella's benefit
"I wasn't taking to you" Sharpay snapped, I turned around and continued to stare at my piece of paper, not knowing what to do.
"Shouldn't that be 16 over Pi?" Gabriella questioned ignoring Sharpay
"Yes Miss Montez?" The teacher questioned
"Oh, I'm sorry, I just... Uh... Shouldn't the second equation read 16 over pi?" Gabriella stuttered
"16 over pi? That's quite impossible" the teacher said checking it on her calculator "I stand corrected" she then changed it on the board "oh and welcome aboard" Sharpay then hugged and continued what she was doing.

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