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“Nicholas Jones, please report to Sergeant Cooper’s office immediately.”

I stood up so quickly that the pens on my table collapsed onto the cool tiles beneath my shoes. My breath quickened rapidly as my legs took me to my acquired destination that currently holds my future in it’s hands. I sat patiently, the tip of my shoe tapping away in an unknown rhythm waiting for my boss to call me into his office where he would give me his final verdict. I’ve been training my whole life for this position and to finally have it would be more than just an honour for me, I finally get to do something I enjoy, a talent that can stretch me to my utmost limits. My thoughts were cut short when I heard his voice bounce off the walls of the room and into my ears, “Jones, in my office now.”

I stood up and scurried my way to the door ‘this is it’ I thought, I took a deep shaky breath in and exhaled through my nostrils. The door creaked open, the tension in the room was so thick that you cut it with a butter knife and not leave any jagged edges. 

“Have a seat Jones.” 

“Yes sir” I replied.

“Now Jones, you have been one of my favourite trainees here at the agency and I hereby congratulate you on your efforts and award you with this agent badge. Before you burst with excitement I have 2 more things to tell you.” A smile broke onto his face but was then quickly replaced with serious expression.  

“Anything sir.”

“Ok, well I have been looking through your records and accomplishments these past few years and realised that you are our most trusted and skilled agent here. With this being said you have to know that you are not just any other agent. You are now part of the ‘Super 3’ or now 4.”

I stared at him as shock was overtaking my face. I was part of the ‘super 3’ ?! I never knew I was that good... The Super 3‘s are the best agents in the whole industry; they have accomplished the most dangerous missions given out, that no one would dare to even try and where greatly respected by everyone. It took me a minute to let that finally sink in, as soon as it did I shot out of my seat and did an awkward happy dance forgetting where I was. I heard someone clear their throat; I froze in place and my head snapped towards the sound. Realising whom it was my face flushed with heat; I couldn’t imagine how this might look right now. 

“Jones, I appreciate your enthusiasm but I would rather you not do that dance ever again in front of me, it’s quite disturbing actually,”

I nodded in embarrassment and sat back down all the while listening intently for the next set of news. 

“Alright well what I’m about to tell you now is confidential, no body should know about this- no body what’s so ever, is that clear?”

“Crystal clear, sir.” I was now even more curious than ever, what was Sergeant Cooper about to tell me- I have no idea.

“Good, Agent Jones this might not be something you want to hear due to your now new job but I expect you to oblige either way, like a real agent should. Just a few days ago I received a phone call from the president himself and he asked for one of our best agents to do him an important favor and if the mission was successful then he would pay them double the sum of the money they normally earn. You are to be his daughters that goes by the name of, ‘Lucia Anderson’s personal bodyguard’ and make sure that no harm comes to her.”

I clenched my fists so hard that my knuckles turned white, I was so angry that even words can not portray how I was feeling at the moment. “YOU want ME to be a babysitter to a girl I don’t even know! This is absurd! I am an agent now not some caretaker of some snobby rich girl, now tell the president I’m not interested and assign me to a mission worth taking.” I said firmly. 

I'M HER BODYGUARDWhere stories live. Discover now