22. Female Success (Part Two)

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Tina was waiting for me on the police station steps, preening like a peacock, ready to bask in the glory of her amazing interview. "Well?" She demanded, on the search for praise. "Wasn't it a good choice?"

I shrugged. "I mean, yeah, it was a good choice, but I wouldn't have picked Officer French in particular. She's a bit..." I hesitated, trying to put it delicately. "Boastful. You didn't really ask any of the suggested questions, you just let her go on about all her different cases."

Tina stayed silent following my analysis, and she didn't seemed a bit happy. "Yeah, well, at least I have an interview." She shot back spitefully. "You've got nothing. Guess you'll be failing History, just like everything else."

I drew in a sharp breath, allowing Tina to see the hurt flash in my eyes before I stomped down the remaining steps. "Zara, wait!" She called after me. "Don't be so sensitive!"

I had just about had enough of her. First she dragged me off to meet this hideous policewoman, then she criticised me and had the nerve to call me sensitive afterwards, as if that shifted the blame... Tina was a confident person, and I'd always admired her for that, but there was a difference between being confident and being cocky. She didn't really seem to have any doubts about anything, and didn't understand when 'sensitive' people did. Instead, she approached things brashly and confrontationally, just as she always did, with no regard for anyone else's feelings.

"Za-ra!" She latched onto my arm, forcing me to turn round and face her. "It's okay, I know you're sorry about that, and I forgive you." She said generously, with an air of someone making a big sacrifice. "And so I'll help you for a change, eh?"

I decided to sidestep the fact she'd somehow managed to worm her way out of an apology and painted me as a bad guy. My essay was due soon, and truth be told, I was feeling a bit desperate. "Alright, what's your grand plan?" I asked, and Tina's grin split her cheeks.

"I knew you'd come round." She said affectionately, linking her arm in mine and steering us in the direction of the mall, which was pretty close to the police station. Probably to keep any eye on all those oh-so-dangerous shoplifters. "Y'know your silly book series? Ruddington High?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know it's called Rutherford High, Tina, and it's not at all silly. It's amazing, and I can't believe I'm on the last book already."

Tina smiled slyly. "For such a big fan, you're really behind the times. The author's doing a new spin off series, Rutherford College, the first of which was released recently. And she's doing a book signing in the mall today, I saw it on the news."

I gasped. "You're kidding! How do I not know this?"

Tina was beginning to regain some of her preen. "You never watch the news. I'm just so much more sophisticated." She informed me. "Anyway, the author's a girl, and she's only like twenty, so if you could get her to talk to you that'd be a great interview."

I shook my head fervently. "Oh no, I'd never ask Erika Mills for an interview. She's such a celebrity! But I'll definitely stop by and get a copy of the new book."

Tina's smile faded. "But you have to ask for an interview! Otherwise we'll just be there for the books. Honestly, this is why I wasn't going to tell you about this." She said in annoyance. Then suddenly she lit up again. "Hey! I'll ask for you. Aren't you lucky to have a great friend like me?" She poked me in the ribs.

"Very." I said drily, manoeuvring myself away from her elbow. Tina's moods were as changeable as the wind, so I didn't get too hung up on the fact just five minutes ago she was furious with me. The important thing was that I was going to meet Erika Mills, whether she agreed to an interview or not!

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