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f o r m / s形 

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f o r m / s

book covers

〰 Author:
〰 Title:
〰 Subtitle: (optional)
〰 Face Claim/s:
〰 Style:
〰 Genre:
〰 Color Scheme:
〰 Props: (if you have any specific image that you want me to add on your cover)
〰 Demand/s: (Please be more detailed and specific. As much as possible, I want to make a graphic exactly what you want it to be.)

comment here ➯
after filling out the 'book covers' form

❝ Make sure you fill out the forms properly. If you can't explain it in english, you can explain it in tagalog. Nakakaintindi naman ako, hahaha. ❞

r u l e sルール

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r u l e s

  ➥ Open ONLY for Korean artist/s
(actors, singers, ulzzangs etc.)

➥ Strictly NO graphic hopping

  ➥ Add this to your reading list / library

  ➥ I only accept books that are PUBLISHED

  ➥ Use my graphic/s for a MINIMUM of 3 days

  ➥ I accept REDO's
(but not more than 3)


  ➥ Give me an HONEST review, If you don't like what I made
(As I said on my intro. I only do this to improve my skills)

  ➥ Please DON'T pm me your request
(I made comment inlines for a reason)

➥ As much as possible, please INFORM me immediately if you want to cancel a request.

❝ If none of the rules above were followed. I will be declining your request. ❞

p a y m e n t支払い

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p a y m e n t

↣ A follow would be nice. But you know what would be better?
being my friend, aww HAHAHA

↣ Give proper creeeditsssssss

↣ Make sure you followed all the rules

↣ Vote on my books
(You can choose 1 or 2, idk just choose 1 lol)

↣ 3 dollah ;)
(jks lol but yeah)

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