To William Go

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So Im eating my pride now. Hope you realize that you first changed your Facebook account password and then blocked me. Days, weeks and months have passed. No texts. No calls. There was no William. No, no one and nothing. You were unreachable. How can i contact you? Yet you also blocked my mobile number? And then Oh! Was that your idea of ending our relationship? You left me hanging! No closure at all. Then last month i received a text from you saying sorry blah thank you for everything blah nga naa na ko lovelife blah that i don't want to hurt you blah would return the favor blah blah blah. There you go. The closure that i wanted. But hey? A text? Come on! You can do better wwthan that. I know you can. You can say it straight to my face. You can just say you fell out of love from me and you met and fall for someone else. Or just say sorry because you really don't love me at all and that you just used me. Yeah i would understand. And i will accept it. As what I'm telling you, you have changed a lot when you got home here last December from your last trip. And i asked you that? Why you've changed? I felt it, the coldness. From then on i knew. But still i try to fight for our love. Soon i realized this would not work. That i was the only one who wants it to work. Then i got tired of trying to save it. And i know that there's just that one thing that keeps you from not letting me go. You know that thing. Right? That's what you were really thanking for, am i right again? So enough is enough. Yeah you were right that i deserved better. That you don't deserve me. You don't deserve my love. Oh wow! Thank you for the two years of lies and pretensions. Thank you for making me a fool for two years and just waste it. That i should have used it to look for the right one or maybe i just missed the moment to meet him because i was busy loving you. Damn! That was sad.
But seriously Yum, thank you for letting me in to your life. Our first year was awesome. As i would remember it, it was fun and it was an adventure, we laughed and talked the whole night until morning, remember that? Just us, just the two of us. Our Saturday night parties? Singing and dancing. Drinking until crawling drunks! I remember one night, i got so drunk  and like a true gentleman you never left me by my side. Carried me till home. Riding on a sport car like Fast and Furious while holding hands. Our walkathons early in the morning like a walk of shame from a wild night party. We even text and call each other a lot. That constant communication. Holding hands. Unlimited hugs and kisses. Oh and that thing you always do to me, you look at me in the eye and caressing my face with your hands. I love it how i melted. I remember that you were the sweetest Yum. You were always there, you were just a text or call away. See? We all did that. Few things i forgot to mention. We were happy back then, right? You were happy right? I know and i believe you also have loved me Yum. Because i felt it. I felt your love was true. Damn. But everything changed and that includes especially you on our 2nd year. Well, let's not just talked about it. It's quite a love story we had right? And the ending? No. I don't want an ending be like this. Things between us must be cleared. Closure.
I am now letting you go and setting you free Yum! I already forgive you as i also have to forgiven myself so that we can just move on. Don't be guilty Yum because i too have shared a fault. No need for a proper closure for now i guess, as long as i have poured out all these long kept thoughts and emotions for you. At least now, i can breathe. FYI, I'm crying all the tears that have been waiting to pour down while typing this.
You know how much i have loved you Yum from the start. You will always have a special place here in my heart! I know that you just texted me now because you are leaving. And i hope my drama reply can get through you. Take care of yourself always. Be strong!
Don't worry Yum! You don't have to return the favor. As i don't want to expect anything from you anymore. You know that disappointment really hurts right?
I know your hopes and dreams you have once shared. So go for it and i believe you will succeed someday. As i am praying for it. For your happiness!
Now it's up to you if you do not want me in you life anymore. I assume. Blocking me on Facebook means that, right? And when the time comes when we bumped into each other. I will just surely greet you with smile like meeting a long lost old friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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