This I Believe

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I believe In happiness. I believe that everyone is entitled to it, and everyone can have it taken away from them. I know that happiness is one of the key elements to enjoying life with others along with It also bringing over good memories. I believe happiness Is also the key to someone's own soul, and once we find our happiness, we should keep It close and try not to lose it. I know how hard It can be to try to hold onto something as good as happiness because of the way our lives are sometimes. Happiness Is not something we can wake up with the next day unless we drive to be happy. What I mean by this Is If I had a bad day the day before and then went to bed and woke up I need to be able to tell myself I can get through this day with a smile on my face. That's how I wake up almost everyday. Even though I don't want to get up some days, I do anyway just because I know that everyday has something new worth seeing and exploring. That's what makes me wake up with a smile on my face everyday. The fact that I still have something worth seeing and knowing pushes me try my hardest everyday.

But happiness wasn't always something I knew well. I used to just wake up everyday and truck through life and let It pass me by. I believe that I could change the way I looked at life this way. It took time and effort into switching my train of thought on life this. I had to have something to fight for every single day when I got up. At least to find motivation of course. I'm happy to say that I'm not like that anymore and I easily get up everyday as happy as I've ever been. I've also had love from my family and friends through this type of time.

Finding my motivation at first was very difficult, but I believe that I could enact change in my life for the good by giving my best every single day I got up. Happiness is also something I know Is not easy to come by for some people as well. Some people live more rigorous and hard lives than others. Any chance I get to have that happiness, I take It. People take advantage of happiness when they least expect It. Once we get It, we keep It, and we don't let It get away from us. Savor It for as long as we can. I believe that the best way to gain happiness Is by hanging out with friends, family, or just anyone. Open up about things and let our minds be happy for once. This I believe to be true because to many people are angry, sad, and confused nowadays. The real key Is to let go and be happy and let that happiness help us get through certain situations.

I believe that everyone Is entitled to happiness, and everyone can have It taken away from them...

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