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I wake up just in time to get prepared for school,not wanting to be late to school on a Monday morning.

I quickly wore a sweatshirt on my white trousers with my sneakers, picked up my keys and packed my books into my bag.

Racing downstairs, I put a handful of chocolate pops into mouth and hurriedly collecting my lunch box from Mom before leaving for school with Lydia.

Her parents had travelled and her car was faulty so I had to go pick her up.

We get to school earlier than expected and then settle for our classes. The classes went fine ,at least the teachers seemed bubbly..
It was time to eat .

I walked to the cafeteria briskly with my lunch box which Mom had packed and handed over to me while I rushed out of the house.
I went to the table where Keisha,Lydia,Marybeth and Susan were seated,chatting away happily..

Just then,our lunch period was invaded by Josh and his friends.
They were standing right here,in front of our table,smiling.

"We saw you guys and decided to join you since we're all friends now" Josh said,giving me a knowing smile.

"And since my girlfriend is one of you" Jake added,pecking Keisha sweetly on her cheeks.

Awnn,how sweet,they both look so lovestruck.
I have seen the way Jake looks at Keisha,he adores and cherishes her. There was always this adorable glint in his eyes while he spoke to her and watched her laugh .Keisha was so in love with him too....
Their marriage would be superb....
I thought ,staring at them.

"Stop staring, its creepy" An amused Josh says while sitting beside me,sandwiching me between he and Luke.

"I wasn't staring, I was just admiring, they look so good together. More so ,she's  my best friend and Jake has stolen her heart away from me" I added touching my chest faking a broken heart.

They all laughed at me.
"Dude,enough of the sweet acts you both are exhibiting, its gross.." Josh says to Jake ,seeming disgusted but funny and interesting...

"You know,I could still be enough for you,Josh,I could give you all the love you've ever wanted and you'd ever ask for and make you begging for more,all you just have to do is to ask for it,just ask for it baby"
Luke(the 4th guy with brown hair and eyes,pink lips and always had a small hat on) said,pouting his lips like a girl and batting his eyes at Josh..

He even sounded like a girl. Imagine that.

We all burst into laughter as Luke was really good at faking like a girl.

"Eww, so gross , I would never do it with you" Josh said mockingly, giving Luke the opportunity to go on with the act....

They were both acting like the high school bitch who was typically and mostly the cheerleader ,who had a crush on the fine-built,hot and handsome football captain of the school.........What an act.

"You shouldn't be eating so much chocolate, you have nutellas too and even some loaves of bread,yummy and so tempting" Josh said,stealing my chocolates while Hunt took the nutellas....

Jake seems to fast for me and grabs the loaves....Luke just laughs at my helplessness.

"You guys are bullies for doing that.
You have decided to starve a poor,helpless little girl" I added, feigning tears..

"But we didn't leave you out in the cold,did we??" Josh says, laughing and the others join in...

The rest of the time used at the cafeteria was spent on cracking jokes ,PDAs between Jake and Keisha and Luke's incessant flirting with Marybeth...(he was a playboy actually).

Hunt,on the other  hand looked so quiet but I caught him twice staring at Susan.. He's fallen in love...and a quest came to heart,..to make them end up together... I was good at that.

The bell goes off and everyone leaves for their classes to have the remaining lessons for the day.
Before I leave,Josh hands over my phone to me which I almost forgot about.

The lunch I had today was the most interesting one I've ever had ,making it a memorable one.


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