The Not So Evil One

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Ella, Lexi, and Paige: *poof in with rainbows and unicorns and black smoke*

The Seven: *screams* gods you have to stop doing that thats almost as bad as Nico. poping out of nowhere

Nico: *cough cough*

Jason: Shi

Hazel: *sets lazers to stun*

Jason: z shiz I was going to say shiz

Lexi: Guys ths is Paige, she is nicer than Ella and I, so you are lucky to have her here.

Paige: Hello I'm so happy to meet you in person

The seven and Nico: Thank The Gods *happy dance*

Ella: (Who is now taking over for a while- hello!) OOOH IT'S MY TURN FOR A DARE

The Seven: NO IT'S NOT.


Paige: Ella! Be kind. I'll go. So Hazel- truth or dare?

Hazel: Um..... truth.

Paige: What's the sweetest thing a boy has ever said to you?

Ella: *Sulks in the corner. She had a really good dare, that probably wasn't lethal.... probably.*

The Seven- Oh, yay! A decent question, the first since we were kidnapped! *Angry glares at Lexi*

Hazel:Um... well, it was Frank....

Paige: It's fine, if you're uncomfortable saying it, you don't have to.

Hazel: You are so amazing Paige!

Ella: You didn't like my dares?



Nico- ~Silence~ (He is still hiding in a corner, embarrased and happy.)

Ella: I think Nico liked it.

Lexi: *Launches herself on Ella* JASICOOOOOOOOO

Ella: *Begins fighting Lexi* PERCICOOOOOOOOOO

The two begin to fight.

Hazel: Well, at least the murderous psychopaths are distracted. Now, I believe it's my turn. Jason- truth or dare?

Jason: I'm trusting you Hazel... dare.

Hazel: Take Percy on a flying carpet ride, singing "I could show you the world."

Jason: What?

Hazel: You heard. Take that rug over there (Rug randomly appears) and make it fly. Fly Percy around for a bit, singing the "I Can Show You The World" song.

Jason: Okay... at least this isn't physically harmful. I still have cuts on my arm from the Athena kids... *Glares at Ella, who is currently having a screaming contest with Lexi

~Jason is suddenly dressed in an Aladdin outfit. Percy is dressed in a Jasmine outfit.-

Lexi: Ella shut up I can kick you out if I want to

Jason completes the dare

Jason: Lexi truth or dare

Lexi: Dare because you probably want to murder me

Jason: I read a book on fangirls and I learned that they usually have crushes on characters from their books so who is your crush from our series and kiss him

Everyone: WHAT

Percy: *straightens posture and smiles*

Lexi: *walks over to Nico and kisses him on the cheek

Leo: huh? I thought I was the fan favorite

The Seven: *Blinkes sevral times* ?

Nico: *confused*

Lexi: what is wrong with Nico guys

The Seven: um have you noticed who he is

Lexi: YES AND NICO JUST NEEDS A HUG THERES EVEN A FANCLUB AND A PROGRAM CALLED HUGS FOR NICO. Oh dont worry Leo there are thousands of girls on team Leo and everyone in the fandom knows what you two are going through *turns back to the other six* HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE HOW MUCH THEY ARE SUFFERING GODS

The rest of the seven: ummm ?

Lexi: people stupid people I'm better with books or with my thoughts

Everyone except Lexi: huh?

Lexi: stupid humans *hugs Nico tightly*

Nico: huh? thanks?

The Seven: you just hugged Nico and he didn't kill you

Lexi: yah so I don't care if he beats the crap out of me he needs a hug

Nico: *smiles a little*

Lexi: Yes I got him to smile

Jason: Teach me your ways oh great one

Piper: *le Facepalme*

Leo: how what I was trying to get him to smile for the entire time he was on the Argo II

Lexi: *puts Nico in headlock* huh I don't know

Nico's face starts turning purple, nobody notices

Nico: help please can't brea- *passes out from lack of oxygen*

Lexi: oops hehe *sets the adorable little death kitten down and turns him into a kitten pets the kitten*

Nico: *purrs*

Everyone: awwwwwww he's so cute

Nico: *snuggles into Lexi* meow meow meow meow

Lexi: ok it's my turn umm Piper truth or dare

Piper: dare

Lexi: perfect *snaps fingers*

Piper: huh *kitten appears where Piper was* meow

Jason: what was that

Lexi: that was my dare be a cat

Piper: *curls up in Jason's lap and started purring*

Jason: umm this is a little weird

Lexi: Jason she's a cat deal with it ok good

Jason: umm I think it's my turn *turns to Percy with a look in his face that you would think you would never see on it insanity* Percy truth or dare

Percy: Grace? Umm what's wrong with you

Jason: truth or dare Percy answer. I don't care shut up shut up

Lexi: he's been attacked by the...*turns towards readers* hahhaahahaahhahahahhahahhah read next chapter to find out what happens next

Jason: *holding a sonic screwdriver and with a fez on his head* we belong to Rick the troll face you better not kill us ok good

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