All Against The Princess

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     “I SAID I’M SORRY!” I shout while sobbing in my hands in the dark and freezing cold throne room. In the Shadowvoid, everything is lacking color and there is not a single bright color that exist down here besides the stardust that give us very little light. Everything is either made out of star fragments or shadows but always from some materials from earth. The shadows and stars just cover it up like a huge inky stain to never be removed. Right now, it’s night above us, on earth. A lot of other shadow creatures are at the surface, collecting lost souls for food before they are sent to the underworld or skyworld that’s pretty much hell and heaven. It’s also winter so it’s extremely cold done here. The room glows a faint blue light due to the stars glowing so dimly in the ground, but it gives me enough light to see the raging king while I ball my eyes out.

    I, Dragonoid Hypernova Darkness, live in the main mysterious castle with the king and queen. In fact I  am the princess, living at 14,000 shadow years old, or 14 in human years. I have dark skin, short black hair and a odd symbol on my head. Creatures say that it looks like the moon collided or absorbed a heart. It’s just a silver crescent moon with a dark red heart on the inside space. Also I have 4 eyes. Two are close to the symbol on my forehead and have red pupils with the whites being all black. My normal left eye is brown while the other is red but like a human eye like the left one. But I cover it up with a eyepatch. Along with all of that I have 4 arms, two on my sides like the queen. Everyone also says how much I look like her when I’m in my human shadow form.

    “Dragonoid!” I snap my head up to see my father’s face again. Its red and looks like he’s gonna explode with anger.

    “Y-yes?” I answer, scared out of my mind. I see his hand raise angry as I brace myself for an attack to strike me. The queen and I are one of the few nice shadow creatures since most, like my king father, are very malicious.

    My mother rushes over just as my father was about to hit me and shout his lungs out at me. She grabs his raised fist and holds it close to her. She’s the only one I can trust in my family and the only one that will listen to me. She also saves me from moments similar to this one. Only this time, I had committed a crime.

    “Don’t hurt our daughter because of her failed task!” my mother shouts angrily at my father. I still don’t understand why they are a couple. Maybe it’s because my mother is the only one who can calm him down. But even she is afraid of his cruel behavior sometimes. However she is the one filled with the anger this time. Her eyes turn from dark grey into a dark crimson color “give her another chance!”

    He looks at me with a demonic look and observes me, looking at all my weird features while making me feel self-conscious. He grumbles out of his messed up mouth “Fine. Don’t mess it up”

    My mother smiles gently at me and mouths out “good luck”

    I suddenly see pitch black for a few minutes until I am awoken in a household. I’m on earth. I close my two extra eyes and cover my only exposed eye due to all the bright lights. My extra arms fade away since I don’t need them out. I feel super dizzy and weak from the sudden exposure to lights. Another 14 year old girl looks at me and rushes over to me. Her name is Amy. with brown hair brushed down to her lower back and a blue and orange shirt on. Along with light grey jeans and white slippers. She claims herself not to be a wolf hybrid and just a normal person but she can turn into one and sometimes her fluffy brown ears and tail slip out while she’s in her human look.

    “Dragonoid what happened?!” she says and puts me on the couch. I hug the blanket close.

    “Well... I had committed a crime down there..,” I say with my voice trailing off. I clutch onto the blanket tighter and stare at it. It has little planets and stars on it. I find it slightly odd how they’re not moving like the blankets in my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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