A Revolution

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*as the CMC and Cozy and Comfy are walking*

Applebuck: It's awesome that ponies our age are managing a whole school.

Applebloom- *smiles* We should have an ice cream break every day.

Cozy: *smirks* That's a wonderful idea Applebloom.

Comfy- *smirks* Honestly, though, we mostly need help cleaning.

Sweetie Belle: *determined* No need to say more.

Sweepy- *smiles* Just take us to every room and we'll fix it.

Cozy/Comfy: *opens the supply closet* You can start here.

*they all walk-in*

Scootaloo/Scooteroll: *confused* Looks clean already.

Cozy/Comfy: *slams the door* *angrily* You thought you could trick us? Distractions are our thing. *walks off angrily* Amateurs!

CMC- *get out of the closet and head to the library*

(beneath the school the Student 6 and CMC head down to where Starlight and Stellar are trapped)

Yona: *confused* Why pony lead us down here again?

Sandbar: We can't take on Cozy and Comfy by ourselves but we can't wait for help. There's two more ponies that can help us.

Silverstream: Oh. I guess Starlight and Stellar. *points* Is it Starlight and Stellar?

*they all get down there*

Yona: *serious* Mentor ponies. Come down here. We need help with mean ponies.

Sandbar: They can't speak to us from up there. We have to find a way to get them out.

Applebloom- And we can't get near that thing without it sucking us in.

*the Students each go to an object*

Gallus: *happily* This is just like Chapter 12 in Facts and Objects from Twilight and Dusk's class.

*everyone looks at him*

Gallus- *admits* What? I've studied. The national test is soon.

Ocellus: *smiles* I remember that too. Cozy and Comfy must have connected the artifact to work like a magnet that pulls all the magic from Equestria into the sphere.

Smolder: *about to grab an artifact* Than we can turn it off by pulling away from one of them?

Ocellus: Yes. But it would probably result in a big magic wave that would crush the school.

*Cozy and Comfy walk in with their crowns and their medallions along with the other students*

Cozy/Comfy: *fake sadness* Destroy the School of Friendship? Oh, dear. Chancellors Neighsay and Misanthrope were wrong about lots of things but they were right about all of you.

*the students get closer to them*

Student 6/CMC- *looks nervously*

*back in Tartarus, the Cockatrice, Chimera, Manticore, and Bugbear are all lined up by Fluttershy and Butterscotch*

Twilight/Dusk: *serious* Ok. Is everypony ready?

Rarity/Elusive: *throws the bone* Siiiit. *concerned* We don't know how long he'll sit.

*Pinkie and Bubble are still annoying Tirek and Tirana*

Pinkie/Bubble: In forever's forever.

Tirek/Tirana: *pleading* We said we would help. We promised.

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