Blue Flower.

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"This is the Phantomhive estate, your new place of employment" said the tall butler in the black tailcoat. "You will work and live here as a maid, but you will also protect this estate with your life." You stood next to him looking up at the giant mansion, he turned his head to you and his eyes glared down and met yours "Do you understand this." You nodded your head, but you were also slightly confused of the events in the past 24 hours. Before this man had brought you to where you stand now, you were a hired assassin, a good one at that, you never left a trace behind of yourself behind. Therefore you were good at cleaning, skilled almost. You had long brown hair down to your waist, eyes as blue as an ocean, porcelain ivory skin, with freckles that stretched across your cheeks, along with a petite curvy figure. In your line of work you used your looks to your advantages, seducing your prey before taking them out. You're targets were usually criminals and wealthy business men. You attended balls flirting with your next victim, and once you had them alone, you would take them down. The last mission you had was to get rid of a business man, and that you did. This butler came from nowhere and offered you a way out saying how amazing your skills were, and that you were fit to work for his master at the Phantomhive mansion, you agreed unknowing you were working as a maid. You let out a sigh and said "so shall you show me around?". "Yes come with me Ms. (Name)" he responded.

He showed you the rooms in the mansion and all around. "You best get changed before I introduce you to the young master and the other servants, come with me I'll show you where you will be staying" he led you into a room where a maids outfit was laid out for you. "I don't believe I caught your name" you murmured, you were quite shy in around people you were unfamiliar with. "I am Sebastian and I am the young master's personal butler, I'll leave you be now so you can get changed" he said "oh and one more thing" he presented me a black ribbon made from silk, "I present from my lord" he handed it to me shutting the door behind him. He was a handsome fellow, quite proper too. You put on the black maids dress and looked in the mirror, you were used to fancy elegant dresses, ones fit for balls, but you also did seem to like this one. It was a short black dress with short sleeves and white ruffles that peeked from the sleeves and the under skirt. The top hugged your curves, while just above your waist it puffed out. You spun around looking at yourself in the mirror, "I could get you to this" you smiled. You brushed your long silky hair and put it in a loose pony tail with the ribbon and walked out of the room, Sebastian waiting for you just outside the door, "now shall I introduce you?" He said with a smile on his face, you blushed and nodded.

"Everyone this is (name) she will be a new maid here at the estate, seeing that we need the extra help, (name), these will be your new coworkers, Tanaka, Meyrin, Baldroy, and Finnian." He said with a delighted look on his face. Tanaka was an older man sipping on green tea, he occasionally let out and "hoh hoh". Meyrin had big round glasses and flaming red hair, she was a maid too, Baldroy had a chefs uniform on, with a cigarette hanging out of of his mouth. And Finnian looked young, with an innocent smile on his face, he had beautiful turquoise eyes, strawberry blonde hair with red bobby pins stuck in it to keep his hair out of his face. "And (name) this is the young master to whom you will be working for, the earl Ciel Phantomhive." You were astonished, he looked extremely young to be an earl. He had dark hair, and an eye patch, the eye that was exposed was the same colour as yours. "It is very nice to have you with us Ms (name), I hope you that you should find yourself at home here" he said confidently. "Thank you for having me, I'm sure I will enjoy myself here at that manor" you said with a smile. "Now than" Sebastian said "I shall leave you with the other servants so you can come acquainted with them." You nodded shyly looking down at your shoes.

~an hour or so later~

You sat with the other servants around a small table. "So where are you from little lady" Baldroy said, "I lived in a small town just outside Liverpool" you responded. You're so pretty, yes you are" Meyrin said staring into your eyes. That made you giggle a little bit. "I'm glad we have a new worker around 'ere, and can get a bit hectic with just the three of us... And Tanaka" Baldroy said with his cigarette hanging from his lips. You turned and looked at Finnian who didn't say anything, he seemed to have been staring at you in a trance like state, when you turned and looked at him his cheeks flushed red and his looked down, he was quite cute, he looked so innocent. "Well I hope that I can be of help to you", you said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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