Falling For My Foster Brother (Jaustin boyxboy)

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Hi i'm Austin but people call my Ameezy. I have brown hair, brownish/greenish eyes. My favorite color is red, also i LOVE pizza. Anyways, I'm 16 years old, and I've been an orphan since I was 3 years old. I like to sing and play guitar, I also like playing the piano. You might be wondering "how did he become an orphan" well here's the story...


"Get down here, you little piece of shit!" My abusive father yelled at me. My three year old self was terrified on what he's planning to do to me. "Yes father-r?" I stuttered out once I got downstairs. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me across the floor. I was whimpering so much. Next thing I know I'm on the ground. I look up and see my father taking off his belt. "Time for a punishment you son of a bitch!" He spat at me. He pulled down his pants and then he came up to me and pulled mine down. He was smirking evilly at me. I felt something stinging in my bottom. That's right, my very own father rapes me. I was crying and sobbing uncontrollably and he was enjoying himself by moaning and groaning. "ITS YOUR FAULT YOUR MOTHER DIED!" He screamed at me. My mother died when I was born. I'm very smart for a three year old. I felt his crusty old lips on my neck. I was shaking uncontrollably. Finally I screamed on top of my lungs. "Shut the fuck up!" my drunk father slapped me in the face. Then someone kicked open the door, "You're under arrest for child abuse!" one cop said. He took the beast off of me. "son go upstairs and pack your bag. You're coming with us. The two cops took my dad and he said, "i will find you and kill you.!" He spat at me on my way upstairs.

(end of flashback)

And that's how I ended up here in this orphanage.


Hey guys! This is my first time writing so yeah...I hope u guys like it! Leave some feedback!

Bye loves!! ♥


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