A Mirror.

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Author's note:  I must let you know that I do not condone any of the acts and behaviors represented in this story. All the things pertaining to this story are completely fictional.


I walked into my room, squinting in the dark. Used to the familiar space, I reached for the lights. However I could not find the switch. I swore silently to myself and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I found my phone and tried to switch on the torch. However my phone just died,  very conveniently might I add. I knew that not charging it at the office was a bad idea.

I went to my couch and sat down when I suddenly heard a rattle. At first I though nothing of it but then I heard it again. Breaking into a cold sweat, I shot up immediately, searching for the source of the noise. I must be imagining things.

There's obviously no one else in my house. But that didn't stop me from asking in a raspy voice, "Is anyone there?"

"Will?" , a voice cried.

"Jason?" , I called back.

"What are you doing in my house?" , we both cried out at the same time.

Suddenly I heard a spine chilling scream that made my blood run cold. We followed the source of the noise only to find our colleague, Sarah lying on the floor, covering her ears with both hands as she shook her head violently.

"Sarah! Sarah! It's okay, it's just us," I said in what I hoped was a soothing manner.

She finally opened her eyes and with ragged breathes tried to tell me something. Something about an old man. Suddenly, we heard a cynical laughter. Almost mocking. Scared out of our wits, we turned around only to be met face to face with a grotesque looking old man. He had a claw for a hand and a bloody gash running down his left eye. He looked like the embodiment of all my fears.

"Wh-who are you?" , I stammered.

"Someone of consequence, that's all you need to know."

"Where are we and what do you want from us?!"

"Only for you to make a choice," he said calmly.

"Will, here in this room, you have to make a choice. A choice that will cost a life. One person in this room will kill you. Your job is to guess who that person is and if you make the right choice, you will be free yet chained. Chained because though you will be physically free but chained because you will lose a life long friendship and a potential partner for life. However if you make the wrong choice, you will be chained yet free, chained because you would have accused an innocent person of an egregious crime but free because you will have the release of death."

"Well, what if I don't choose?" , I asked in an incredulous manner.

"Then all three of you die. You have 7 minutes to choose. Good luck," he said while placing a gun in front of me.


His sinister laughter and one piercing blue eye haunted my very soul. I ran after him but he vanished into thin air. Suddenly I heard the ticking of a clock.


That was when I started panicking. I stared at the two people closest to my heart. I could not make this choice.  I couldn't possibly accuse one of these people of wanting to kill me. I just couldn't.


Jason. My best friend. I thought back to all the times we spent together. All the irreplaceable memories, every joke and and all the tears we shared. My past. Then I looked at her. Sarah. My future. I thought of every moment I would spend with her, all the irreplaceable memories I would make with her, every joke and all the tears that we would share together.

Tick Tock Tick Tock

I couldn't choose.


I looked at Jason's eyes. Green eyes that stared at me expectantly. Eyes that I've known forever. As if the choice was absolutely positively crystal clear.  Then I looked at Sarah's warm pitch black eyes looking at me reluctantly. Eyes that I would like to get to know. As if the choice was absolutely positively crystal clear.


Time fleeted by me as I grappled with the dreaded choice that I had to make. I couldn't leave the past behind but I also couldn't let the future go. What if I make the wrong decision?


Jason begged me, Sarah pleaded. I was torn. I could never imagine these two people hurting me. Ever. Yet, here I was.


Jason has been with me through it all. Through the tough and rough times. Through thick and thin.


Sarah will be with me through it all. Through the tough and rough times. Through thick and thin.


Jason who was with me when we were children.


Sarah who will hold my children.


I knew what I had to do. The choice was made.



The pain hit me, only for a split second. Then it all went blank as I slowly fell to the floor. Warm blood trickling down my face. I had made my choice.

As I fell , I stared at the ceiling, accepting my fate and the sight that meet me shocked me.

A Mirror.


Hey guys, hoped you liked that story.  It was inspired by this post I saw. If you liked it then vote and comment as it really helps to get the story out there. Thanks for your time.

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