Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Rome looked at herself in the mirror and tugged at the little blue dress Melissa had lent her. It was a touch too short for her liking, but it seemed to fit well. Most of Rome's clothes had been assessed by Melissa and dubbed inappropriate for a political dinner. “I don't know,” she said to her friend, who was sitting on her bed, flicking through a fashion magazine. “I don't really think it suits me.”

“Don't be silly, you look great,” Melissa replied, dismissing Rome's worries as if her opinion was unimportant. “I'm really glad you decided to come to the rally. Lisa is really sick and Robert said he had some family thing he had to get to, but Josh is coming, so we won't be too bored. You know Josh was really worried the other night at the pub when we couldn't find you.”

Rome blushed bright red, but didn't say anything, just went back to examining herself in the mirror. “I don't have any shoes that go with this dress,” she said, trying to change the subject, and hopefully Melissa's choice in outfit. “Maybe I should wear something else.”

Melissa rolled her eyes, reached into her bag and tossed Rome a pair of high heals. “Wear those, you'll be fine,” she said impatiently. “Come on Rome, anyone would think it was a hassle for you to get dressed up.”

Of course it is, Rome thought. I'm uncomfortable, I look stupid and I'm going to all this trouble to stand around in a room full of middle aged men for who knows how long, talking about things I have no interest in. It's not something I should be excited about.

She didn't say anything out loud though, just sighed and wondered why she had agreed to this in the first place.

* * *

“Come on Rome, you look like someone died,” Melissa said as she pulled her friend towards the large hall where the rally was being held. The venue was a beautiful, old fashioned manor house that had ben converted into a reception hall. It had been quite impressive as Josh drove the three of them through the huge electric gates. “We only need to stay for a few hours. I don't know why you're so against this, you never go anywhere. This should be a nice change of pace for you.”

“Leaver her alone, Mel,” Josh said, shaking his head and grinning. “I can understand why she doesn't want to be here. Even I don't like the idea of having to spend hours with politicians.”

“Then why did you agree to come?” Melissa huffed, rounding on both of them. She was looking quite angry, even through the heavy makeup she was wearing and Rome had trouble understanding why. It wasn't like any of them had actually been looking forward to this party.

Rome and Josh exchanged looks before turning back Melissa. “We didn't want you to be bored,” they said at the same time. Melissa just rolled her eyes and marched towards the hall, expecting her friends to follow.

“You're both as bad as each other,” they heard the brunette say, sounding rather annoyed. “I would rather have come on my own if I had known I would have to put up with your bad moods all night. I mean this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the two of you. I just thought you would be a little more grateful.”

“I think she needs to calm down a little,” Josh whispered to Rome, making sure his voice wasn't loud enough for Melissa to overhear. “Before that vane in her head pops. Though I thing spending our time in the emergency room would be more fun than this.”

Rome tried, unsuccessfully, to suppress a laugh, but Melissa heard her. She glaring at her friend before she disappeared into the hall. Rome sighed, it was definitely going to be a long night.

* * *

The rally was so horribly boring that Rome found it hard to stay awake, though Melissa had been right about one thing, the food was good, and at least Josh had stayed with her, unlike her friend, who rushed off almost as soon as they stepped inside.

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